Yeah Max, so I think you are missing the point. When I said "they don't care", I mean that NO ONE cares. It's complicated..especially if you admire someone and then you have to deal with the awful situation that MAYBE they take advantage of vulnerable people. Think about it, I mean, really, HOLY ****, how could you or I or either party be wrong. If someone was creepy around women, we would know, RIGHT....If someone was creepy around children..well, how could any of us miss that, RIGHT.
Welllllll... if I remember correctly you hint that a female cousin, or aunt, or mom's friend or someone female was inappropriate with you,,,,And I also seem to remember that you bring this up whenever girls or women audaciously mention their own assaults.....but not to commensurate or share the pain, but to remind everyone that assaults on girls is no big deal because some woman have assaulted boys.....and now of course people on the left and right have done terrible things.
So, I don't defend Bill Clinton or John Edwards or Newt Gingrich or Nelson Rockefeller, or Bill Farenhold or John Conyers or Tim Murphy or Joe Barton or Trent Frank or any of the other congressional members who have been found to engage in unsavory, predatory behaviour.
But, thanks again for reminding me of the allegations against Bill Clinton. Who knows. I could have had a stroke that wiped out my long term memory.
PS: In the future, when you direct remarks toward me, kindly zip it before you act all steamed and blame me for reading remarks you directed at me...If you don't like it, take you own advice and just skip right on by.