Montana wrote:JLNobody wrote:Montana, I don't know if this has been mentioned, but Jeb's wife is Mexican. I don't think many people in the red states (except Florida) would like a Mexican first lady. For once bigotry would have a positive effect.
Wouldn't bother me none ;-)
What I meant is it wouldn't bother be that she's Mexican.
That doesn't bother me either and I am a liberal moderate conservative republican. Not all republicans are racist just like some crazy democrats own guns. This could help south American relations to say the least. That, to me, is a worthy endeavor. They are beautiful people just like any other race. They deserve the pursuit of happiness just like anyone else.
We need strong relations with south America for who knows, Canada our neighbors in the north, could sink into chaos due to a possible over throw of the government by heroin addicts and militant pot dealers... (last part sarcastic again)