Jeb Bush for prez "08"

Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 01:01 am
I only imply that people like you have swallowed Bushes stupid war because you are unable to see beyond the Bushes stupid lies. Once again I say that our sons and daughters are being killed because Bush is a meglamanic who wanted to fight an unjust war because he could. Our military people are as much victums of Bush as anyone. I ask again when are you going to answer my question about the morality of the military makeing up killing games to brainwash our youngsters into killing machines. If you refuse to answer my question then I will assume that you cant justify your previous post in which you bragged about the military and the games. Im not going to try to defend myself against statments that I never made. You can try to blame me for statements you claim I made but anyone who reads these posts can see for themselves that you have inacurately paraphrazed what I said.
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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 01:48 pm
rabel22 wrote:
I only imply that people like you have swallowed Bushes stupid war because you are unable to see beyond the Bushes stupid lies. Once again I say that our sons and daughters are being killed because Bush is a meglamanic who wanted to fight an unjust war because he could. Our military people are as much victums of Bush as anyone. I ask again when are you going to answer my question about the morality of the military makeing up killing games to brainwash our youngsters into killing machines. If you refuse to answer my question then I will assume that you cant justify your previous post in which you bragged about the military and the games. Im not going to try to defend myself against statments that I never made. You can try to blame me for statements you claim I made but anyone who reads these posts can see for themselves that you have inacurately paraphrazed what I said.


You would have to know the games out there that children are getting access to to really be able to give a fair and impartial look at the America's Army game...

I mention America's Army game because it, of all the game that the military has made is the most graphically designed game compared to the other military games... It took years to make...

You talk authoritatively about a game that you have never even played..
I hope this is not representative of how your other logic is adopted into fact.

You probably don't even know how many war games have been produced by private companies like: UBI soft, Atari, Blizzard Entertainment, Microsoft...

Now to give you a little background...

I have been playing computer games since they were on dos machines and had two paddles shooting a pixel back and forth in a game called pong styled after ping pong... Not much violence in that... And before that on game consoles...

It started with probably shooting ducks to eventually war games...

As these private companies began to make more sophisticated games new advances in vector graphics brought the current technology of games into pristine realistic environments.

So there was years ago born "the first person shooter"... In games like doom, hexen, heretic, duke nukem, and the very first, Wolfenstein 3d... also games like "scorched earth" which was a two player game shooting canon like rockets calculating wind drift, back and forth to blow up your opponent. Many of these games were not even made in the US...

These games were not produced by the government in fact the government has not had the focused recourses to make a graphical game... Even when they made America's Army they contracted private companies to actually make the graphics...

This get to the point I am trying to make.

The US Congress and the Senate have had many debates over the affects of video games in general on minors.

One big finding is that video games and computers in general make children smarter both in problem solving and hand eye coordination etc... than their computer illiterate counterpart.

Yet the problem that Congress and the Senate has had is the content of the games. They are too violent and the latest generation have focused on cannibalism and as much blood and gore as is physically possible to animate...

In a typical first person shooter of today you run around in a free for all and shoot anything that moves. You have guns like lightning guns and and fire shooters that don't even exist in real life... All just to maximize the gore..

America's Army has stood out as a peculiar contrast to the lawless free for all blood and gore games of the current adult market.

One of the first major differences is in the AA game is that when you die you die... You do not just materialize somewhere on the map again and continue fighting... You have to wait until the next battle... This teaches self preservation...

Another marked difference than all of it's predecessors is that you cannot shoot your own team mates... If you do you are taken from the game and sent to leavenworth... If you are sent there too many time you become banned from that particular game server... This teaches teamwork.

And also unlike any other game to date... You have to sit through dry boring classed where you just listen in a virtual classroom with other students and are taught comprehensive exhaustive first aid medical training. Like other games you do not just walk up to someone down and they are healed automatically, you have to diagnose and treat them with the right kind of treatment... This teaches selflessness and compassion...

Also it gets better... Unlike any other game to date.. In AA you are always on the AA's team... they have not used China as their setting or Afghanistan or Iraq or some other poor country struggling to leave behind the past... each opposing force "thinks" they are in America's Army... When you see the opposing force it always has a different uniform. So it is really like a skirmish. This teaches loyalty. And these words like loyalty honor and integrity are graffiti in various places in the virtual worlds. One of the most researched word lately in the dictionary has been the word integrity... ( I just heard this in a study)

I wonder if it is because all of these "millions" of people who have downloaded this game and saw the word spray painted a virtual wall in the game and looked it up...

To compare AA to any game made to date is rather futile...

AA has taken the first person shooter and given it class, respectability, and good moral education, to say the least...

I don't see you screaming about these other games that are not products of the Pentagon... which glorify cop killers, drug dealers and car thieves...


In my opinion if you have a good graphics card and fast CPU you should download AA and learn the missions and then make a judgment...

You should also compare this with the other first person shooters that have had such lawlessness and disregard for human life you may consider that AA was the answer for many gamers who were tired of the blood and gore and were looking more for the learning part and the strategy problem solving parts that AA excels in.

The millions of downloads of the game which I might add on even a cable modem it takes nearly 2 hours to download and on a phone line it can take 2 days to download...

With the success of AA the gaming industry has followed suit and some companies are cleaning up their act... If they don't the federal government will soon rule the game market... and the games are free...

AA has brought honor, loyalty and integrity into the first person shooter...
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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 02:03 pm
RexRed wrote:
AA has brought honor, loyalty and integrity into the first person shooter...

This is just so....touching. I think I'm gonna weep...
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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 03:18 pm

To compare AA to any game made to date is rather futile...

Now, that is pretty funny.

Got quite the hard-on for AA, don'tcha? lol

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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2006 10:40 pm
I think Im going to be sick. But he still dident address the morality of teaching childern to kill. Its the old baffle em with BS gambit.
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 08:14 am
It's a pity children no longer have parents in the Democrats brave new world.

In my house, I, as the parent, decide which games my children play. Not the government. Maybe some of you other people could learn from that and become responsible for your own children.
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 09:48 am
McGentrix wrote:
It's a pity children no longer have parents in the Democrats brave new world.

In my house, I, as the parent, decide which games my children play. Not the government. Maybe some of you other people could learn from that and become responsible for your own children.

Are you implying that "liberal" parents pay no attention to what their kids are doing on the computer? You're wrong, but I guess that's just your opinion--no need for reality to get in the way!
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 09:57 am
D'artagnan wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
It's a pity children no longer have parents in the Democrats brave new world.

In my house, I, as the parent, decide which games my children play. Not the government. Maybe some of you other people could learn from that and become responsible for your own children.

Are you implying that "liberal" parents pay no attention to what their kids are doing on the computer? You're wrong, but I guess that's just your opinion--no need for reality to get in the way!

Then why the need for a comment like "I think Im going to be sick. But he still dident address the morality of teaching childern to kill. Its the old baffle em with BS gambit."?
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 09:59 am
Where does he say the gov't should control access to video games? Or was his comment really about the gov't creating violent video games?

There's a difference...
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2006 12:25 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
RexRed wrote:
AA has brought honor, loyalty and integrity into the first person shooter...

This is just so....touching. I think I'm gonna weep...

Meanwhile, I was just reading last week about another wildly popular, free computer game - but this one created by the UN World Food Program.

Made a thread of its own for it:

New videogame: be a hero, save the hungry - and its popular!

Last April, the UN World Food Program introduced a computer video game that it hoped would teach children something about global hunger. "Food Force" quietly made its debut at a children's book fair in Bologna, Italy.

Now, more than three million people have downloaded it, making it the second most downloaded free Internet game, after the U.S. Army's recruiting tool, "America's Army."

No one shoots anyone in Food Force. Rebels are negotiated with, not blown away, and the women are sensibly dressed aid professionals - although one character does greatly resemble Lara Croft in "Tomb Raider." It is one of a very new category of peace games.
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Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 02:23 pm
rabel22 wrote:
I think Im going to be sick. But he still dident address the morality of teaching childern to kill. Its the old baffle em with BS gambit.

This should be obvious... it is either kill or be killed sometimes in this life... Children should understand this as part of nature and survival of our species and one of our most deeply seated instincts...

Death is part of an instinctive rite of passage. Do you really think that a ten year old has never seen death? Have they ever killed a fly to stop it from biting them? I don't know what kind of fantasy world you live in but the real world is not as pretty a picture as you paint.

Killing for survival is just as much a part of death as it is a part of life...

Yet we as reasoning human beings should know right from wrong just as much as we should be taught killing from murder...

Cain who slew his brother in the Bible learned as a young man of murder and banishment... Cain was not taught this in the America's Army game... Smile Perhaps if he had had the game as a youngster to teach him to kill he would have thought twice about murder...

I also recall that Cain was the vegetarian of the bunch... and Able was the meat eater... So it was the non "killer" who became the worlds first "murder"...

Able killed sheep and lambs and Cain ate granola...
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Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 02:57 pm
I will tell you a story...

Once I was driving on this country road I had my mother in the passenger street of the van and my niece and nephew in the back seats of the van...

Well a bird flew into the front grill of the van as I was driving about 45 miles per hour.

I stopped the van because I could see it was still lodged in the grill of my van...

When I got out I could see guts hanging out of the birds stomach and one of it's wings were broken...

In front of my mother and the kids I stomped once on it's head with my boot... I did not even think about it...

Then I picked the bird up by the tip of his wing and threw it over a cliff into the sea below...

I dusted my hands off and got in the van and drove off... I said there was nothing I could do there was not enough left of the bird to survive...

and that was that...

Another story...

I was living in this trailer park and I was called by a frantic female neighbor...

She said she had a rat in her kitchen...

I was planning to go over there and see this little tiny mouse or something but when i got over there it was really a rather large rat...

I opened her front door and found her on a chair in the middle of her kitchen...

Well the rat was in attack poise and was not trying to run but fight...

Out of panic myself I picked up the first think that my hand could grab. It was a large carpenter's square... I ran over to the rat and took one hack at it it sliced a big slice down it's side and the rat scurried off down a hole in her kitchen floor duct and was gone...

I felt bad in both cases...

Another story...

I was driving with my mother and the same two children in a car this time not a van...

We were again going about 45mph... We were approaching a crossroad that was quite busy with human activity...

I saw a car approach the crossroad intersecting my path...

As I got closer I looked at the person driving the car and realized it was a very old lady... I watched her drive up to the stop sign... I watched her not look once in my direction. I did not have a stop sign. So I proceeded to cross the intersection. Well she gunned the accelerator and I swerved and braked to miss her and I slammed into the rear door on the driver side of her car... She died in the hospital a few days later... Her husband had died of old age a week earlier and she was in her later seventies...

The old lady nearly killed my family... My mother had her eyeglasses hit the vizor and cut a chunk out of her forehead and the two children in the back seats had the wind knocked out of them, I was unhurt...

Should we tell God to stop the video game?

I have a few more stories but I think this is enough for one day Smile
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Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 07:42 pm
I repeat, baffle them with BS. By the way, can you back up your story with a newspaper article.
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Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2006 09:09 pm
rabel22 wrote:
I repeat, baffle them with BS. By the way, can you back up your story with a newspaper article.

The last story may have hit the local papers. My insurance company called me at no fault in the accident and there were dozens of witnesses that I was not speeding (including my skid marks) and that she just pulled out without even looking once...

She also had a history of doing this and she was feared by most local residents who knew what a menace she was on the road unfortunately...

Her son lived in another state and she had been living alone...

Due to the accident she underwent surgery to repair a bone in her neck and she died about three days after the accident...

I have never been able to make sense of it..

I just know I tried to avoid her and unavoidably hit her gingerly. She did not even look before she pulled out so she did not see me or my family...

Being that her husband had died only a few weeks or a month earlier... I have thought that maybe she unconsciously did not want to live anymore or she was just to old to turn her neck to look.

Maybe she thought it was a four way stop, but she had lived only a few miles from the intersection for year and years...

I can only hope she did not suffer and that she is now with her husband in peace...
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Reply Wed 26 Apr, 2006 05:08 am
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 26 Apr, 2006 06:42 am
McGentrix wrote:
It's a pity children no longer have parents in the Democrats brave new world.

In my house, I, as the parent, decide which games my children play. Not the government. Maybe some of you other people could learn from that and become responsible for your own children.

be careful church lady... it's a long fall of that high horse Laughing
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:25 pm
If Condoleezza Rice runs for president she has my vote above any other candidate (Other than Jeb I guess.).

Hillary cannot even tie her own shoes (Bill) than to wear Condi's shoes.

Condoleezza has studies world affairs where Hillary is too angry, jittery, out of touch and flippant to handle crisis under stress.

Condoleezza would also help the black communities issues and immobilize their communities in a more positive way. This would give them more identity with the US. I can actually picture Condoleezza as president and for many years to come. She has my vote without hesitation. Where it really doesn't mater who runs against Hillary I will NOT voter for her. I do not trust her just like I don't' trust Kerry or Gore either.

I would vote Condi over Giuliani also. Condi is more solid than Mccain too I think. I wonder if Condi is really up for the challenge?
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:30 pm
It's funny, Rex, how all your stories center on bashing small creatures or old ladies.

Profiles in courage, they ain't...
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:39 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
It's funny, Rex, how all your stories center on bashing small creatures or old ladies.

Profiles in courage, they ain't...

What Hillary? Small old ladies? Don't let her fool ya. She has made a punching bag out of Bill and GW and I don't see her letting up soon. If she actually had a point in beating up George I would side with her. All I hear coming out of her is (Nancy Pelosi style) obstruction, obstruction, obstruction for the sake of obstruction alone. Bad form I say.

Hillary can't re-invent the wheel so why not invent a multi sided polygon?
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Reply Tue 6 Jun, 2006 03:47 pm
(Correction, I meant mobilize not immobilize.) Sorry.

Better than the word mobilize, invigorate.
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