Jeb Bush for prez "08"

Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 12:17 pm

You seem to think in your twisted logic the death of American Soldiers is a silly matter?

You are deluded by left wing conspiracy mills all simply to attempt to obtain power by nearly any means possible... By democratic corruption and LIES... YES it is the lies of the democrats... You are living proof...

The left wingers are not concerned about the freedom of the Iraqi people or Afghanistan. Thus they are NOT ultimately concerned in America having allies in this war on TERROR... They just want power and the White House back so they can continue with their special interest money making scams...

You keep throwing up your straw horses like your inflated oil argument and you underestimate the fact that America is much more interested in forming an ally in the middle east than oil. That is much more valuable to us than all of the oil in the world...

If we do not form free democratic societies in the middle east we will certainly see more terrorists attacks. More frequently in Europe and eventually in the US again.

Now I am sure your straw horse of oil is NOT more important than stability in the middle east. But you repeat what you are fed by your left wing extremists... like the good drone that you make yourself out to be...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2006 12:33 pm
Dear Rex,

Exactly which part(s) of my post do you consider a lie?

You never answered what your military service was? I assume NONE!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:01 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Dear Rex,

Exactly which part(s) of my post do you consider a lie?

You never answered what your military service was? I assume NONE!!


My military service and that of my family is NONE of your business...

I am not the one bad mouthing the president for political partisan special interest...

Also, it would be seemingly easier to point out what is not a lie in what you say...

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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:14 pm
Isent it amazing how the conseratives pick and choose among the statements that they consider lies. WMD's, that Bushes administration claimed were in Iraq. Truth because god spoke directly to him. Iraq being part of the 9\11 attack as claimed by Bushes government. All the other untruths that the government of Bush has told are just pushed off as truth but distorted by the left. I think most of the conseratives are brain dead, along with a good portion of the electroate. We are governed by a policy of fear as proprogated by the conserative government in power. The same policy that Hitler and Stalin used to stampede thier people.
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 08:17 pm
rabel22 wrote:
Isent it amazing how the conseratives pick and choose among the statements that they consider lies. WMD's, that Bushes administration claimed were in Iraq. Truth because god spoke directly to him. Iraq being part of the 9\11 attack as claimed by Bushes government. All the other untruths that the government of Bush has told are just pushed off as truth but distorted by the left. I think most of the conseratives are brain dead, along with a good portion of the electroate. We are governed by a policy of fear as proprogated by the conserative government in power. The same policy that Hitler and Stalin used to stampede thier people.

1. Prior to the invasion, Bush said he thought that WMD which had been in Iraq were still there. So did lots of people. It's not a lie at all.
2. Bush never said that Iraq had a role in 9/11. If you disagree, cite your source.
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 10:00 pm
Why would a President say something without checking if it is true. Would you have gotten your two degrees in Physics if you performed the way GWB did?
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 10:16 pm
talk72000 wrote:
Why would a President say something without checking if it is true. Would you have gotten your two degrees in Physics if you performed the way GWB did?

Please specify which statement you're talking about. Also, if possible, mention where he would have checked.
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 11:08 pm
RexRed wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Dear Rex,

Exactly which part(s) of my post do you consider a lie?

You never answered what your military service was? I assume NONE!!


My military service and that of my family is NONE of your business...

I am not the one bad mouthing the president for political partisan special interest...

Also, it would be seemingly easier to point out what is not a lie in what you say...


Another chickenhawk. Not surprising!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2006 11:26 pm
I dont try to convince people who refuse to recognize facts. If I were to post sites you would just deny thier validity as you and others on this site have done before. This is an exercise in futility and I dont play that stupid game.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 01:03 am
Anon-Voter wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
Dear Rex,

Exactly which part(s) of my post do you consider a lie?

You never answered what your military service was? I assume NONE!!


My military service and that of my family is NONE of your business...

I am not the one bad mouthing the president for political partisan special interest...

Also, it would be seemingly easier to point out what is not a lie in what you say...


Another chickenhawk. Not surprising!!


I signed up for the army years ago and they would not take me... Remember you have to be perfect to be in our volunteer military....

That is ok I have war heros on both sides of my family... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 01:23 am
Have you ever heard of the game America's Army? It is a recruiting tool used by the US army.


You first download and install the game...

I play the game often and I am trained in quite a few procedures... granted it is clicking a mouse and not an actual firearm but it is a form of training... The game is administered by "real live" US army recruiters...

It is a complete full graphic PC game developed by the US Pentagon (so your computer needs to have high graphics) and it is FREE...

The graphics are tight and the game play is instructive to real combat...

When you play you are actually training new US Army recruits...
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 01:39 am

In July of 2002, the Army turned on the servers for the America's Army game and watched as thousands of gamers rushed to download our America's Army: Operations RECON version. Since then more than 5.5 million players have registered to join the America's Army experience. These players have participated in over 94 million hours of online play exploring Soldiering as members of elite U.S. Army units. These devoted fans catapulted America's Army into the top five online action games at its launch and have kept America's Army at the top of the charts ever since .

The development of the game has been an incredible journey for everyone involved -- from the project sponsors in the Pentagon; to the staff here at West Point who run the game; to our Soldiers who have been instrumental in making sure the America's Army game realistically depicts their world; to our developers who get hands on with the Army's technology and weapons. Though the America's Army teams are spread across the country, they are united in our goal of creating a virtual portal into the Army and to providing a first hand look at what it is like to be a Soldier.

The game has exceeded all expectations in placing Soldiering front and center within popular culture and showcasing the roles training, teamwork and technology play in the Army. Over the past few years, in eighteen updates and new game versions, we have opened up the world of Soldiering to players and provided them with a soup to nuts virtual experience within which to explore entry level and advanced training as well as Soldiering in small units. We have virtually taken our players through boot camp, through Ranger and Airborne training, and even introduced them to the Army's "Quiet Professionals", the elite Special Forces. Through America's Army, players have learned about rules of engagement (ROE), lifesaving, laws of war and Army Values, the set of noble values that are the foundation of the world's premier land force. In the game, successful completion of our unique ABC's of Lifesaving scenarios qualifies players to assume the role of a medic. In real life, this medic training provides fundamental first responder skills. In at least one case we know of, an America's Army veteran called upon these skills to save the life of his brother.

The Army and its developers have won more than 15 awards and accommodations for America's Army. However, what has brought the team the most satisfaction is hearing from the fans and Soldiers who play it. The America's Army fans are incredibly supportive of our efforts, from setting up their own servers, to active participation in our forums, interacting with our developers and establishing more than 900 fan sites around the world. We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to these players and our promise that we will continue to provide them with the best and most realistic virtual Soldier experience.

U.S. Army Soldiers have written and called us from around the world to tell us about their America's Army game experiences. They speak of the game's realism and attention to detail, noting how accurately the game's training environments mirror the training ranges from Fort Benning to Fort Jackson down to the placement of the trees to the layout of the obstacle course. Numerous Soldiers have told us how they are able to share their Army experiences with fellow gamers. These Soldiers proudly display their Army star icon in the game, and enjoy answering other players' questions about Soldiering. Soldiers who play America's Army speak of the support and encouragement they have received from America's Army fans worldwide. On behalf of the America's Army game project, we would like to thank these fans for supporting our Soldiers as they fight for freedom and liberty around the world.

Today we are working on new technologies, platforms and themes to broaden and deepen the America's Army experiences. We will continue to expand the careers covered in the game while adding technological enhancements to intensify the immersive Soldier experience the game affords. As the game grows, it will expand in richness and detail in terms of the number of resources players can bring to bear in virtual training and operational missions. When appropriate we will work with our government and future applications groups to incorporate new military technologies into the game to give players a look at the current and future armaments used by our Soldiers. Just as the Army is a dynamic organization, the game will continue to be a dynamic platform for learning about the Army and Soldiering.

Players can also look forward to the America's Army Real Hero program where they can learn about the backgrounds and accomplishments of actual Soldiers who have rendered distinguished service in the Global War on Terrorism. This program will incorporate these Soldiers' likeness and background into action figures, the game, and on our www.americasarmy.com and www.goarmy.com websites.

In summary, thanks for your support of the game over the three years since its release on July 4th, 2002. The game has grown into an international phenomenon, and will continue to grow on new platforms including Xbox, PS2, and cell phones. On behalf of the U.S. Army, the members of the Army Game Project staff look forward to sharing new virtual Soldier experiences with you over the coming years. Have a wonderful and safe July 4th. God bless America.

- The America's Army Game Leadership Team
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 10:15 am
Well, that makes me want to vomit.
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 10:22 am
So, like, gamers can download "America's Army" and then they'll want to enlist and serve in Iraq? I wonder how this strategy will affect the shortfalls in recruitment rates...
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 10:50 am
That sounds like something every thirteen year old should enjoy!

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 11:15 am
D'artagnan wrote:
So, like, gamers can download "America's Army" and then they'll want to enlist and serve in Iraq? I wonder how this strategy will affect the shortfalls in recruitment rates...

'America's Army' was released by the Army in 2002 as a recruiting tool.

And due to the shortfalls in recruitment cases, next year the successor will be released: "America's Army: Real Heroes", which allows players to fight as actual decorated soldiers.

America's Army is More Than Just Play for Military Services
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 03:29 pm
blatham wrote:
Well, that makes me want to vomit.

I am a better man than you.... I won't toss insults
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2006 08:30 pm
Why dont we do as Hitler did and start the kids about the ages of 6 or 7 years of age. By the time they get to be teenagers they will be willing to turn thier brothers, sisters, and parents in to the government. By teaching them at such a young age killing anyone they are ordered too by the government wont be a problem.
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Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2006 12:22 pm
rabel22 wrote:
Why dont we do as Hitler did and start the kids about the ages of 6 or 7 years of age. By the time they get to be teenagers they will be willing to turn thier brothers, sisters, and parents in to the government. By teaching them at such a young age killing anyone they are ordered too by the government wont be a problem.

What makes you think that America's Army is not also representative of true honor and ethics? You do not know what integrity is if you would compare the system of our military with that of Hitler's... You apparently do not know the training virtues of the American soldier...

Why would America's Army want to teach young kids something silly like honor and integrity? (sarcasm)

You are deluded...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2006 01:37 pm
rabel22 wrote:
I dont try to convince people who refuse to recognize facts. If I were to post sites you would just deny thier validity as you and others on this site have done before. This is an exercise in futility and I dont play that stupid game.

In other words you intend to make all sorts of claims without evidence under the pretext that you won't cater to people who "refuse to recognize facts." That is contrary to the universally accepted rules of debate.
0 Replies

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