Sturgis wrote:Polls are garbage. Think about the historic inaccuracy of them. [..] Polls prior to Mr.Bush's re-election said the majority did not like him, nor would they vote for him and yet the final tally shows they did indedd vote for this good man, so the polls can all be tossed in the crapper and sent out to sea.
If you look at the weekly average of all opinion polls that were published, you'll see that Bush kept a lead on Kerry throughout the last eight weeks of the campaign (basically ever since the Republican Convention). Here's
the graph showing that. For sure, the polls had his lead diminishing from about five percent to around two percent during and after the debates, and less than one percent at the very end. But a Bush win is still what most of them predicted. In fact, here's
a rundown of the ones in the last week of the campaign, when they polled Kerry higher than they had in months, and as you can see 9 of 'em were still polling a Bush win, and only 5 a Kerry win.