RexRed wrote:If you read back in the post I did not say Michael got an offer I said that he could have had a silent counter offer. Is that so unheard of in this day and time especially with someone who unflinchingly starves a defenceless disabled women to death? No.
Well, if you interpret your writing that way ...
RexRed wrote:How many millions does he need when he now has Terry's blood money... and he can still sell the book rights for even more then ten million... That was only the first offer... Michael probably thought... get Terry out of the way then we can talk book and movie deals... He had to make sure there was not a happy ending to this story first...
Thanks, ,Walter.
Well, Rex, Walter laid it out plain. There's the quote, your own words.
You have made many accusations on this thread. I just wanted you to back up just one.
So far, all you've given us is some complaints from Terri's brother about having to leave Terri's room the last day.
That has nothing to do with a book offer.
So once again, Rex, I must ask you. Can you please give me a reputable news source which says that Michael Schiavo received an offer of $10 million for the book rights to his story?
Good luck with that one; facts are harmful to his argument...
I'd settle for any f**king ending to this story happy or unhappy.
You have written that you wish this story to end. For this story to wrap up.
I don't. Not yet.
I think the Terri Schiavo case makes a lot of people see the religious right for what it is-people who think they can bully the population into submitting to them just by the sheer force of character assassination.
Most people in this country have some religious feeling, so the religious right has some sway upon them when they consider various issues. They might not follow everything the Fallwells, Robertsons, etc say, but they are looked upon as people who have some principles they agree with.
Perhaps not anymore, because of the Terri Schiavo case.
Lets face it, most people can sympathize somewhat with both sides on this issue. The parents feel that as long as the heart is beating and the body functioning there is hope for something, somewhere, to come down the pike and give her some measure of life. The husband okayed surgery to try to get the brain function back, but when it failed he was forced to admit the reality of the situation: Terri's brain was dead. And it was never going to come back. It was rotting away inside her skull, with spinal fluid filling in the large gaps which used to be occupied by grey matter.
Terri was mere physical, insensate shell of what used to be an actual person.
We've read the religious right's-in the form of Rex's- posts here. All he ever does is say, "Michael murdered Terri, Michael murdered Terri" in a case where the whole issue is whether or not Terri is really living at all. Not one time does he even pause to consider that a reasonable person might-just might- come to the same conclusion that Michael did, that it was time to pull the plug.
With medical sciece increasingly able to keep people floating somewhere between life and death for long periods of time, at some point we must ask ourselves-"When do we pull the plug?" An awful lot of people are going to have to face that question down the line.
Here, the religious right just butts it's nose right in the middle of this case, and decides to try to win it by assassinating Michael's character in front of the country. It's like they feel they have this superpower-do it our way or we character assassinate you.
So Michael, the husband who made a tough decision a lot of people would agree with, gets put into the same category as a husband who walks into the living room and shoots his wife while she is watching the news on TV. Like there is no difference.
They broadcast this warped view all over talk radio and put it on right wing "blogs", and then people like Rex pick it up there and put it on forums like this.
With these tools-talk radio and blogs-the religious right feels that getting their way is like pushing a button. Just send out the character assassination message, and the person is brought down.
But here, for the first time, the public is waking up to this and seeing what they are doing to Michael Schiavo. The barrage of accusations Suddenly, the public is saying, "Hey, someday that could be me that they are doing this too".
Now, in the mind of much of the public, the religious right doesn't look so benign. Now, it looks like a bunch of power hungry people who will say anything about anybody to get what they want.
It is a good lesson for people to learn.
I think it is unfortunate that Michael Schiavo has to be focal point of this revelation, but the religious right picked him, now the religious right is stuck with the consequences.
No, Blue, I am not ready for the Terri Schiavo case to end. At least,not the political implications of it. The religious right deserves to pay for what they did here. And I think they will.
Your optimism for the ability of society to remember something and keep their interest up for more than a week is admirable.
You might be right.
But every now and then, something comes along and changes people's thinking.
This might just be it, as regards the general public thinking of the religious right as being an essentially well-meaning group of people who are just a little more strict, just a little more religious than the rest of us.
The public has a chance to see them as being far different than that.
one person who has been mightily compensated for taking part in the Shiavo story is Rick Santorum, the scary Senator from Pa. By scheduling "prayer vigils" and hospital photo-ops with the Schindlers, the "Re-elect Santorum campaign" was given about 100000 for a few days appearances in Tampa and Palm Beach. His compensating agents included Wal Mart(including the use of their corporate jet), Revlon, and Outback Steakhouse, as well as various religious PACs.
Thank goodness Ricks future is up to the pennsylvanians who, most recently angrily admonished Rick(the shepherd of Pa morals) for engaging in some dubious ethics practices including pretending to still represent Pa when he hasnt been living in state for a number of years.
farmerman wrote:one person who has been mightily compensated for taking part in the Shiavo story is Rick Santorum, the scary Senator from Pa. By scheduling "prayer vigils" and hospital photo-ops with the Schindlers, the "Re-elect Santorum campaign" was given about 100000 for a few days appearances in Tampa and Palm Beach. His compensating agents included Wal Mart(including the use of their corporate jet), Revlon, and Outback Steakhouse, as well as various religious PACs.
Thank goodness Ricks future is up to the pennsylvanians who, most recently angrily admonished Rick(the shepherd of Pa morals) for engaging in some dubious ethics practices including pretending to still represent Pa when he hasnt been living in state for a number of years.
My favorite part of Christianity I must admit is group prayer...
John McCain looking like a future prez...
I really think I'll just stick with Jebbers.
With Jebbie that won't be a problem since the new wing of the George Bush Library, located in beautiful downtown Crawford will feature a swimming pool where you can skinnydip and after a refreshing swimmerino, you will be supplied with a new pair of dockers.
Amigo wrote:I just crapped my pants!
McCain seems to be right on with this administrations policies...
the bush name is tainted....
Really BVT? Do explain where and how you managed to arrive at this preposterous notion.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:the bush name is tainted....
That is why he was re-elected.
No genius, it means that you can't keep fooling people ( except for the purposeful dumb asses) but for so long.