RexRed wrote:The first time Michael tried to kill Terry....
She was brain dead already.
You keep talking about this woman as if she was a conscious, vibrant woman who is aware of herself, who has an inner life.
When our brain is alive, there is electrical activity going through it. That is how we experience pain and sensation-electrical activity in the brain.
Put the monitor on Terri's brain and you know what you get? Zero electrical activity.
That is the way humans experience life-electrical activity in the brain. That is how we think thoughts, feel emotions. Electrical activity in the brain.
Terri has no inner life. There is no electrical activity in the brain. She feels nothing, she is aware of nothing.
Her brain, which was once filling up her skull, now floats in a pool of spinal fluid. Bit by bit the brain shrinks, and the body performs it's natural cleaning function and gets rid of all the dead brain cells.
That is why Terri's brain now weighs less-much less-than it once did. The dead parts are being dissolved by the blood and carried away.
A woman kept in a hospital bed with feeding tube, with no mental life, with a rotting brain, is forced to stay in this Twilight Zone of half-life year after year.
And you call ending this nghtmare murder?