Jeb Bush for prez "08"

Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 09:48 pm
The first time Michael tried to kill Terry he told the doctor to withhold treatment for a urinary tract infection... The doctor agreed... but the court stepped in and told the doctor to treat her... I guess starvation is better than being killed by an infection... This reveals the ruthless intent and lack of moral character.

What is even more inhumane is the reasoning..

Michael refused to let Terry have therapy for over 10 years but he let her lay in bed and suffer from neglect... Then he uses the lie that Terry told him she would not want to suffer? Michael was the source of her suffering...
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Reply Tue 5 Apr, 2005 11:09 pm
RexRed wrote:
The first time Michael tried to kill Terry....

She was brain dead already.

You keep talking about this woman as if she was a conscious, vibrant woman who is aware of herself, who has an inner life.

When our brain is alive, there is electrical activity going through it. That is how we experience pain and sensation-electrical activity in the brain.

Put the monitor on Terri's brain and you know what you get? Zero electrical activity.

That is the way humans experience life-electrical activity in the brain. That is how we think thoughts, feel emotions. Electrical activity in the brain.

Terri has no inner life. There is no electrical activity in the brain. She feels nothing, she is aware of nothing.

Her brain, which was once filling up her skull, now floats in a pool of spinal fluid. Bit by bit the brain shrinks, and the body performs it's natural cleaning function and gets rid of all the dead brain cells.

That is why Terri's brain now weighs less-much less-than it once did. The dead parts are being dissolved by the blood and carried away.

A woman kept in a hospital bed with feeding tube, with no mental life, with a rotting brain, is forced to stay in this Twilight Zone of half-life year after year.

And you call ending this nghtmare murder?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 08:13 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
RexRed wrote:
The first time Michael tried to kill Terry....

She was brain dead already.

You keep talking about this woman as if she was a conscious, vibrant woman who is aware of herself, who has an inner life.

When our brain is alive, there is electrical activity going through it. That is how we experience pain and sensation-electrical activity in the brain.

Put the monitor on Terri's brain and you know what you get? Zero electrical activity.

That is the way humans experience life-electrical activity in the brain. That is how we think thoughts, feel emotions. Electrical activity in the brain.

Terri has no inner life. There is no electrical activity in the brain. She feels nothing, she is aware of nothing.

Her brain, which was once filling up her skull, now floats in a pool of spinal fluid. Bit by bit the brain shrinks, and the body performs it's natural cleaning function and gets rid of all the dead brain cells.

That is why Terri's brain now weighs less-much less-than it once did. The dead parts are being dissolved by the blood and carried away.

A woman kept in a hospital bed with feeding tube, with no mental life, with a rotting brain, is forced to stay in this Twilight Zone of half-life year after year.

And you call ending this nghtmare murder?

Terry had more mobility and and untapped potential then a plant I have growing in my kitchen.. My plant cannot even make any sounds at all and only moves when I turn it away from the sun... Terry would have received better care sitting on a shelf in my kitchen then she did in 15 years being neglected and and having her dignity insulted by Mr. "Is the bitch dead yet"?
Yet my plant seems happy with it's station in life and who am I to criticize it's own dignity? My plant cannot smile or blink it's eyes or even moan when it is in discomfort... Though if I were to not water it I would feel so terrible to see it just whither and die mercilessly... I know, I grieved for a week when my cactus died and still feel a tinge of sadness and guilt every now and then. Someone had hot glued the rocks on the top of the soil and I could not tell that the roots were dying.. Oh well believe me I tried everything to repot the cactus and yet it could not sustain it's own life... But Terry sustained her life for fifteen years almost unheard of...

I consider my plant brain dead too... all it has for a brain is water... much less than Terry and no brain stem at all... but I still care for it because it does have enough life to be considered living and who am I to judge the value of another living organism right to life? Especially when a lie is involved...

No this was a total disregard for life, on Michael's part, in the most flagrant and disrespectful manner possible... I do not consider something dead till it cannot breathe on it's own... Terry was very much alive and Michael was the main instrument in her demise...

I think he is selfish and has not even the slightest regard for human life... If he was a nurse in a hospital with anyone I loved I would immediately have them removed from the facility... How many millions does he need when he now has Terry's blood money... and he can still sell the book rights for even more then ten million... That was only the first offer... Michael probably thought... get Terry out of the way then we can talk book and movie deals... He had to make sure there was not a happy ending to this story first...

So if you need any old useless relatives knocked off I think between Michael and his unscrupulous lawyers they could accommodate you very nicely... It is open season on the disabled... The democrats want social security to collapse so they can then knock off all of the disabled by starving them to death...
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 08:22 pm
Jeez, you're disturbed, Rex.

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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 08:42 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Jeez, you're disturbed, Rex.


Just like you to throw out an insult without a point...
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Reply Wed 6 Apr, 2005 08:45 pm
Yes, It is disturbing when people think it is "right" to treat a person less humane then house plant...
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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 09:40 am
Oh, there was a point to it.

And it wasn't an insult; it was an observation.

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Reply Thu 7 Apr, 2005 09:51 pm
RexRed wrote:
... How many millions does he need when he now has Terry's blood money... and he can still sell the book rights for even more then ten million... That was only the first offer... Michael probably thought... get Terry out of the way then we can talk book and movie deals...

Okay, Rex, for ONCE I am going to demand that you show a credible source for that 10 million dollar book offer.

No way he gets that much, this is just the flavor of the month, already fading now that Terri has finally been released from undead-unliving land.

I've read some pro-life websites, all of them beating up on Michael Schiavo, and the estimates for book, movie and TV deals were 2 million or so for the whole kaboodle.

Fact is, Michael has already walked away from one publicly made one million dollar offer-and you show me the deal maker who will not take one million dollars cash upfront over the potential for two million any day of the week.

And he has reportedly walked away from another 10 million dollar offer. However, that offer seems to be unconfirmed.

So Rex, just for once, back up one of your accusations. Please show me this ten million dollar book and movie deal that Michael Schiavo is supposed to get.

Conservatives are great for throwing accusations around. for once, I would like to see some of them back it up.
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 06:46 am
No rational discussions here
You might as well give it up Keltic. Michael was offered $10 million to turn over custody after the one million offer didn't fly. Rex will ignore that and quote the discredited "is the bitch dead" remark again to "show" that Michael is the anti-Christ. After all, even though she had no brain, she had "untapped potential" and "the democrats want social security to collapse so they can then knock off all of the disabled by starving them to death". The disconnect with reality is just too great here.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 06:49 am
What's the statute of limitaions for pretending to have deep caring feelings for someone you never knew and had no personal interest in these days?

She's dead for God's sake. We didn't know her. Next please.
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 08:31 pm
I just finished watering my plants...
I have three of them and I would only part with them if they were going to a good home...
I have had plant over the years and they have marked periods in my life. they have bloomed at certain times and laid dormant at others...
My mother used to own a greenhouse. Plants can teach allot about life and respect for the earth.

As for the ten million...

CBS rushed Terry's parents out of the hospital so they could film Michael with Terry dying... I am sure he let them film this for free...

All this rudeness so CBS could show what a wonderful murdering polygamist husband can do to a poor defenceless woman... Notice I did not include the word "dying" woman... Because Terry was not dying on her own she was murdered...
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 08:55 pm
Questions in Terrys medical reports...

What about the broken femur, TWO two broken knees, broken vertebrae in her back all noted by a radiologist. And the heart tests confirm that she never has ever had a heart attack... Now what are the answers to these medical reports? Michael has never responded to these medical findings and he was Terrys guardian. Also, he has three different accounts on video about what happened the night of Terrys supposed heart attack...
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 10:57 pm
RexRed wrote:
Questions in Terrys medical reports...

What about the broken femur, TWO two broken knees...

The Schiavo family has been going after Michael for how many years, and this only becomes of concern NOW?

Moreover I believe Terri was examined when the incident first happened. Yet, the Schindler family and Michael were together and real tight for several years. They broke apart only years later. Why weren't the Schindlers and their supporters raising this "homicide" issue right from the first report? Why did they wait until they and Michael broke apart over a completely different issue?

The Schindlers and their supporters couldn't take that Michael was willing to face reality. Because they weren't willing to face reality, as they never faced reality right t the end. So they and their supporters did a smear job on the bereaved husband.

Michael agreed to surgery to try to bring Terri's brain back. It didn't work. But why would he give his consent if he has something to hide that night?

Michael called for an autopsy. Why would he do that, if any of these dark scenarios you are painting were even remotely true?

Whenever the facts pin a right winger's back to the wall, he comes back swinging with accusations.
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Reply Fri 8 Apr, 2005 11:32 pm
RexRed wrote:

As for the ten million...

CBS rushed Terry's parents out of the hospital so they could film Michael with Terry dying... I am sure he let them film this for free...

Now just hold it right here, Rex.

I specifically asked you for some respectable news source to back up your claim that Michael Schiavo was offered ten million dollars for the book rights to this. That was a specific question. You have gone on and on about this ten million dollar offer, and I want to see some proof about it.

Even the right to life websites are only speculating that Michael makes two million off this. And these websites all hate Michael, want to portray him as greedy, and therefore can be counted on to try to boost the number as high as they can to support their case. And the best they can do is try to claim two million-and that is for TV, movie rights and book rights combined.

So, where does your ten million dollar book deal offer come from, Rex?
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 07:35 pm
Rex writes:

Questions in Terrys medical reports...

What about the broken femur, TWO two broken knees, broken vertebrae in her back all noted by a radiologist. And the heart tests confirm that she never has ever had a heart attack... Now what are the answers to these medical reports? Michael has never responded to these medical findings and he was Terrys guardian. Also, he has three different accounts on video about what happened the night of Terrys supposed heart attack...

That is so much unsubstantiated BS that it isn't worth addressing other than to call it what it is. BS.

Why should anyone answer this crap? Rex, do you really think it is OK to lie like this? and then to continue to lie when it is pointed out that you are lying? There is no evidence to support this crap. I only hope you can live with yourself with telling so many lies.
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Reply Sat 9 Apr, 2005 09:36 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
RexRed wrote:

As for the ten million...

CBS rushed Terry's parents out of the hospital so they could film Michael with Terry dying... I am sure he let them film this for free...

Now just hold it right here, Rex.

I specifically asked you for some respectable news source to back up your claim that Michael Schiavo was offered ten million dollars for the book rights to this. That was a specific question. You have gone on and on about this ten million dollar offer, and I want to see some proof about it.

Even the right to life websites are only speculating that Michael makes two million off this. And these websites all hate Michael, want to portray him as greedy, and therefore can be counted on to try to boost the number as high as they can to support their case. And the best they can do is try to claim two million-and that is for TV, movie rights and book rights combined.

So, where does your ten million dollar book deal offer come from, Rex?

I heard that right from the lips Terry's brother and sister on Fox news...

The were wondering about the broken bones and the fact that her heart has never suffered an attack and the rudeness of CBS ushering the Schindlers out so they could do a "special report" and film her dying with Michael... So, I am sure Michael is not profiting from Terry's death... sarcasm...
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 12:34 am
RexRed wrote:

I heard that right from the lips Terry's brother and sister on Fox news...

The were wondering about the broken bones and the fact that her heart has never suffered an attack and the rudeness of CBS ushering the Schindlers out so they could do a "special report" and film her dying with Michael... So, I am sure Michael is not profiting from Terry's death... sarcasm...

Hey Rex, I asked you to back up a statement you made about Michael being offered ten million dollars in a book deal. Twice.

You give me some quote from Terri's brother, about Terri's brother and parents being ushered out of the hospital so CBS can film Terri's death.

This has got nothing to do with a book deal.

Your quote from the brother did not even mention a book deal. So how on Earth can that be a justification for your statement that Michael recived a $10 million dollar offer for book rights to his story?
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 12:43 am
Apparently Rex thinks that if he provides a quote from Terri's brother complaining that CBS might be offering some unspecified amount of money, that counts as proof that Michael was offered $10 million in a book deal for his story.

Rex, I'm going to ask you again-can you please give me a reputable news source which states that Michael got an offer of $10 million for book rights to his story?
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 02:32 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Apparently Rex thinks that if he provides a quote from Terri's brother complaining that CBS might be offering some unspecified amount of money, that counts as proof that Michael was offered $10 million in a book deal for his story.

Rex, I'm going to ask you again-can you please give me a reputable news source which states that Michael got an offer of $10 million for book rights to his story?

I don't' know how Michael is going to line his pockets from Terry's death. I really don't care who he is in bed with be it CBS or some hollywood movie deal or even the Price is Right. I only know one thing that he took the life of a person living on their own while there were still people willing to love and care for them and starved them to death... So I don't really put much else past him. In other words... I don't respect him as a person very highly at all.
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Reply Sun 10 Apr, 2005 02:40 am
If you read back in the post I did not say Michael got an offer I said that he could have had a silent counter offer. Is that so unheard of in this day and time especially with someone who unflinchingly starves a defenceless disabled women to death? No.

On the video I saw played all over the news when Terry's mother walked into Terry's hospital room, Terry smiled... but she is not smiling anymore.

Michael finally put an end to that...
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