Quote:George tried to give Michael a hint... To err on the side of life... Michael decided Terry was not worth it and snapped his fingers and the feeding tube was removed... How would Michael feel if a shyster married his daughter? Michael drove Terry to anorexia then murdered her to cover it up... Isn't that what starving someone to death is? Murder? Michael Schiavo is a murderer... He should have listened to Bush...
1) The president is frequently quoted out of context, just like you did. His comment was more on the order of "while there are serious doubts, we should err on the side of life." There are not serious doubts here. Terri was in a PVS with a flat EEG. No thoughts, no hope of recovery, nothing. Her husband held out hope for years. That is erring on the side of life.
2) Daughters many men their parents don't like all the time. Still, the family is husband and wife. Sure, other family's opinions are important, but in the end, you have to repect the bonds of marriage. You'll be hard put to find a society or religion that does not recognize that.
3) In complete ignorance, you are accusing Michael of heinous crimes. "Decided she wasn't worth it" or made a painful decision based on years of effort and medical advice? "... drove Terry to anorexia then murdered her to cover it up"? Terry's weight problems predated her meeting her husband and everyone knows she was anorexic so why is a cover-up needed?
Rex, time to put passion aside and review this with an open mind.