RexRed wrote: If Michael would say such a thing to a nurse behind Terry's back then this shows how low his moral character is...
Only one nurse allegedly heard this. If he commonly ranted on, other people in the hospital would have heard him.
I don't believe for a second that the discharge of a single nurse would prevent other nurses from coming forward. For one thing, there is the moral matter-some nurses may be deterred, but not all.
For another, the nurse was not discharged right away. Between the time Michael allegedly made thse utterances and the discharge time, other nurses would have come forward.
Thirdly, any nurse who did get fired would be well taken of by the right-to-lifers who are behind blowing this tragedy up into a fiasco. Speaking engagements, radio interviews, articles, book deals, etc.
Fourth, in addition to whatever help the right-to-life movement might give her, being a nuse adn being fired fired for a nonmedical reason is not exactly the end of the world. Take a look at the local paper. Notice how many ads are looking for nurses, and at what wage rate? Finding employment at another hospital will not be a problem. If many other nurses heard these supposed "rants", conscience would have driven a fair percentage of them to come forward. They know they could easily find work in a different hospital if they were fired.
Fifth, a hospital is not staffed exclusively by paid people.
Volunteers are all over the place. If Michael repeatedly said these things, what is to prevent a volunteer from coming forward? What is the hospital going to do-fire them? They already work for free!
In short, your scenario of "They fired the nurse who told the truth and this prevented anyone else from coming forward" just falls apart upon examination.