Jeb Bush for prez "08"

Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 12:41 am
Re: Over the top
engineer wrote:
Maybe it was Michael that was over the top?

Maybe, but I think there would be 20 nurses testifying to that if it were the case. Amazing how this one nurse heard this but not all the rest.

Well if you fire one good nurse for it, it certainly shuts things up...

I tend to agree with the nurses philosophy and I think health care workers in general devalue life and need a wake up call...
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 01:15 am
Re: Over the top
Rex Red wrote:
Well if you fire one good nurse for it, it certainly shuts things up...

Oh, baloney.

For one thing, many nurses would have come forward simultaneously to say the same thing, before the first nurse got fired. None did. It would be quite impossible for the husband to rant on as the nurse claimed and have the hospital suppress that fact by firing a single nurse.

You also have the small problem of explaining why the husband gave up $10 million to stay by his wife. I notice you are not even touching that question.

Rex Red wrote:
I tend to agree with the nurses philosophy and I think health care workers in general devalue life and need a wake up call...

It sounds like you came to this opinion about 30 seconds before you wrote that post, in an attempt to bolster your position about the Terri Schiavo matter.
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 01:44 am
Re: Fired RN or State Appointed Doctor
engineer wrote:
Yes, I've seen the testimony of CARLA SAUER IYER, R.N. who also admitted she was fired. I've also heard an interview with the court appointed doctor who spent many hours with Terri and examined her over an extended period of time. He stated flat out that sometimes she seemed to respond to his questions, but when he tried to duplicate the response, it wasn't there. Through test after test, it wasn't there. That doesn't even include that CAT scan image on another post where there is very little brain left.

Ms. Sauer's testimony was not found to be reliable in numerous court battles and it is so over the top that I do not find it reliable now. The magnitude of the coverup by people with no vested interest in the case is just too incredible. Where are all the other nurses who heard these vicious comments? Where are the police investigation documents? Why on earth would a nursing home support such radical behavior? Where's their angle? What's their payoff? I don't see it.

I do understand that if you choose to believe this over the comments of the doctors, that you would not think well of Terri's husband, but he turned down $10 million to walk away, so I guess she was worth more alive than dead and he still honored her wishes.

You'd rather believe... "is the * dead yet"? That is unacceptable...
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 10:51 am
You're in a complete fantasy world, Rex. WAKE UP!

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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 02:01 pm
Rest in peace pope John Paul...
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 02:07 pm
he dosen't seem to be dead just yet but a nice wish.
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 02:17 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You're in a complete fantasy world, Rex. WAKE UP!


I don't think so...

If Michael would say such a thing to a nurse behind Terry's back then this shows how low his moral character is... he had no right to be her gardian... he made a fool of these "judges" and a mockery of our legal/medical system... His words and deeds judge him. I am not asleep or blind... I will not say what I really think Because I am a christian and I know God will have the final say anyway...

I think you are the one who needs to open your eyes...
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 03:05 pm
RexRed wrote:
If Michael would say such a thing to a nurse behind Terry's back then this shows how low his moral character is...

Only one nurse allegedly heard this. If he commonly ranted on, other people in the hospital would have heard him.

I don't believe for a second that the discharge of a single nurse would prevent other nurses from coming forward. For one thing, there is the moral matter-some nurses may be deterred, but not all.

For another, the nurse was not discharged right away. Between the time Michael allegedly made thse utterances and the discharge time, other nurses would have come forward.

Thirdly, any nurse who did get fired would be well taken of by the right-to-lifers who are behind blowing this tragedy up into a fiasco. Speaking engagements, radio interviews, articles, book deals, etc.

Fourth, in addition to whatever help the right-to-life movement might give her, being a nuse adn being fired fired for a nonmedical reason is not exactly the end of the world. Take a look at the local paper. Notice how many ads are looking for nurses, and at what wage rate? Finding employment at another hospital will not be a problem. If many other nurses heard these supposed "rants", conscience would have driven a fair percentage of them to come forward. They know they could easily find work in a different hospital if they were fired.

Fifth, a hospital is not staffed exclusively by paid people. Volunteers are all over the place. If Michael repeatedly said these things, what is to prevent a volunteer from coming forward? What is the hospital going to do-fire them? They already work for free!

In short, your scenario of "They fired the nurse who told the truth and this prevented anyone else from coming forward" just falls apart upon examination.
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 03:19 pm
Then there is the small matter of Michael walking away form an offer of ten million dollars to let his in-laws take Terri off his hands. Why would he do that, if his motives were selfish?

I haven't heard you deal with that question yet, Rex, but I think it plainly means that Michael knew that what was being kept "alive" was a shell, a mockery of the woman he married.

The real Terri Shiavo died in the fall, many agonizing years ago. And Michael damn well knew it, even if his in-laws didn't want to face the horrible truth.
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 03:28 pm
Re: Shame on everyone else
Ticomaya wrote:
At least that's what I've heard .....

BEFORE ME the undersigned authority personally appeared CARLA SAUER IYER, R.N., who being first duly sworn, deposes and says:

Tico, did you read what the Court had to say about Carla's affidavit and that of Heidi Law?

They are incredible to say the least. Ms. Iyer details what amounts to a 15-month cover-up which would include the staff of Palm Garden of Lago Convalescent Center, the Guardian of the Person, the Guardian ad Litem, the medical professionals, the police and, believe it or not, Mr. and Mrs. Schindler. Her affidavit clearly states that she would "call them (Mr. and Mrs. Schindler) anyway because I thought they should know about their daughter." The affidavit of Ms. Law speaks of Terri responding on a constant basis. Neither in the testimony nor in the medical records is there support for these affidavits as they purport to detail activities and responses of Terri Schiavo.

From: the order of the Circuit Court for Pinellas County
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 05:21 pm
Keltic wrote:

Then there is the small matter of Michael walking away form an offer of ten million dollars to let his in-laws take Terri off his hands. Why would he do that, if his motives were selfish?

How do we know that that deal was not countered? Michael's income tax will not lie as he did...
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 07:52 pm
RexRed wrote:
How do we know that that deal was not countered? Michael's income tax will not lie as he did...

A) There is no evidence that Michael lied. We have the testimony of a nurse whom the judge called a liar right in court. Her story is preposterous. But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good accusation-especiallly if it serves the purpose. Right?

B) There is no evidence whatsoever that any counter offer was made. If there was even a hint of a counter offer, the right-to-lifers would be screaming their heads off.

You know, Rex, there is a really bad pattern showing itself here. You and the rest of the right to lifers think the way to proceed is to simply target someone you disagree with, accuse, accuse and accuse, and then demand proof to refute these stories you made up.

Michael Schiavo's tax returns are none of your business. For that matter, Michael and Terri Schiavo's lives are none of your business. The woman had a tragic, tragic accident 15 years ago. She's been a vegetable since then, and her husband has gone through hell ever since trying to pull the plug and put her out of this articifically induced, utterly insensate "living dead" state she's been maintained on.

My God, can't you let people get past a tragedy and move on with their lives?
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 09:04 pm
RexRed wrote:

I don't think so...

If Michael would say such a thing to a nurse behind Terry's back then this shows how low his moral character is... he had no right to be her gardian... he made a fool of these "judges" and a mockery of our legal/medical system...

But what if he didn't say these things? You are prepared to believe this one nurse and ignore everything else? Why did Terry's husband have such power over the hospice? Why would they fire anyone for him? Nurses can get jobs anywhere these days. You think being fired from this place would stop them? Not the nurses I know. Did you listen to the interview with the court appointed attorney I posted a link to? That explains some of the bitterness between the families and why her husband would not turn over custody. Look at the nurse's testimony with new eyes and listen to how over the top it is.
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Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 09:10 pm
Counter offer?
RexRed wrote:
How do we know that that deal was not countered? Michael's income tax will not lie as he did...

That's a little far fetched, don't you think? "Hmm I've got $10 million here to let her live, let's see if I can find a group to give me more if I pull the plug!" Rex, I know you feel strongly about this, but I think you are reaching pretty far to maintain this position. Instead of a vast conspriacy and secret organizations offering big bucks to let her die, a more likely explanation is that her husband is straight up.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sat 2 Apr, 2005 11:21 pm
RexRed wrote:
How do we know that that deal was not countered? Michael's income tax will not lie as he did...

Right Rex Red, because a guy sneaky enough, squirrelly enough, bereft enough of any character or moral fibre (as you claim he is) to do a backroom deal of over ten milion dolars to let his wife die will somehow when it comes to the IRS become Honest John and declare all that income right away. Laughing Laughing

Why don't you count to ten and take a serious look at what you've contended here dude? And have a Yager shot and a beer to calm you down. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 10:49 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
RexRed wrote:
How do we know that that deal was not countered? Michael's income tax will not lie as he did...

Right Rex Red, because a guy sneaky enough, squirrelly enough, bereft enough of any character or moral fibre (as you claim he is) to do a backroom deal of over ten milion dolars to let his wife die will somehow when it comes to the IRS become Honest John and declare all that income right away. Laughing Laughing

Why don't you count to ten and take a serious look at what you've contended here dude? And have a Yager shot and a beer to calm you down. :wink:

Anyone who would insist on killing someone so intently without giving the parents the any say whatsoever, has some problems... These problems are only a manifestation of a deeper problem... Was the deal countered? Time will tell... There are enough (buy an election) George Sorros democrats in this world that money is no object when it comes to killing another person... I am sure Michael did not accept one cent from his fans who are sending him money LEFT and right...

He did this purely out of principle I am sure... He doesn't have enough so he has to take what little life someone else has... I can see only one motive but hatred... That is the way I see it and I doubt much is going to change that... I think the nurse described him to a tee...
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 10:53 am
So you believe that if he accepted some sort of huge backdoor amount of money he's going to declare it on his taxes?

Sure. Perfectly reasonable. And let me know when Elvis arrives on this thread.
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 12:52 pm
RexRed wrote:

Anyone who would insist on killing someone so intently without giving the parents the any say whatsoever, has some problems... These problems are only a manifestation of a deeper problem...

You conservatives are always putting yourself up as "defenders of marriage" and respecters of traditional values.

Throughout history, the next-of-kin has been called upon to make these life-or-death decisions on behalf of the spouse. Legally, morally, traditionally, it has always been that way.

But now, the religious conservatives snap their fingers, and the traditional bonds of marriage count for nothing. Now, it's NOT the next of kin who has the right to make the decision. Now, it's her PARENTS.

In an attempt to brainwash us all into submission, the religious conservatives always say "the family" when referring to Terri's parents.

Excuse me, but Terri Schiavo has a family all right, and that family is her husband. HE is the next of kin, and he is the one who is morally called upon to make the decision. Michael Schiavo IS her family, and he made his decision. It couldn't have been easy, but he made it.

Everyone else can butt out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 01:05 pm
RexRed wrote:
Was the deal countered? Time will tell... There are enough (buy an election) George Sorros democrats in this world that money is no object when it comes to killing another person...

This is unbelievable.

There was an offer on the table, publicly acknowledged by all, that Michael Schiavo can collect ten million dollars if he turns Terri over to her parents. That's public record.

The fact that he walked away from that is a strong indicator that Michael feels he is doing what must be done, in this tragic situation.

So in "response" to this, Rex has said that since there are liberals who have money, there is the mathematical possiblity that Schiao received a counter offer. Presumably, Rex thinks that makes both sides even on this point.

No evidence of a counter offer. No visible communication between Michael Schiavo and someone who might be able to afford making such an offer. No leaks, no hints, no indications whatsoever. Just the fact that among the 300 million people in the United States of America, there exists some people who might be able to make such an offer, so that satisfies Rex that a counter offer was most likely made.

Rex, you can make your mind up anyway you want, that's your right. But if you are going to enter the realm of public debate and expect your views to be taken seriously, you have to do better than that.
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Reply Sun 3 Apr, 2005 01:51 pm
kelticwizard wrote:
RexRed wrote:

Anyone who would insist on killing someone so intently without giving the parents the any say whatsoever, has some problems... These problems are only a manifestation of a deeper problem...

You conservatives are always putting yourself up as "defenders of marriage" and respecters of traditional values.

Throughout history, the next-of-kin has been called upon to make these life-or-death decisions on behalf of the spouse. Legally, morally, traditionally, it has always been that way.

But now, the religious conservatives snap their fingers, and the traditional bonds of marriage count for nothing. Now, it's NOT the next of kin who has the right to make the decision. Now, it's her PARENTS.

In an attempt to brainwash us all into submission, the religious conservatives always say "the family" when referring to Terri's parents.

Excuse me, but Terri Schiavo has a family all right, and that family is her husband. HE is the next of kin, and he is the one who is morally called upon to make the decision. Michael Schiavo IS her family, and he made his decision. It couldn't have been easy, but he made it.

Everyone else can butt out.

I think "morally" is the key word... George tried to give Michael a hint... To err on the side of life... Michael decided Terry was not worth it and snapped his fingers and the feeding tube was removed... How would Michael feel if a shyster married his daughter? Michael drove Terry to anorexia then murdered her to cover it up... Isn't that what starving someone to death is? Murder? Michael Schiavo is a murderer... He should have listened to Bush...
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