I’m pointing out that separating children from adults who have either broken the law or seem to be a danger to themselves or others has always been the procedure.
It happens with every arrest.
Recently, two of my kids’ mom was deemed by teachers to be a danger to her kids—not even anything overt she did. Excessive absences for the kid, poor hygiene for the kid—led to a requested mental health evaluation for mom by the school system.
Through the evaluation, it was discovered that mom was in fact endangering the kids and herself. Her estranged husband was awarded physical custody but
before that could be put in place, mom freaks out, cops are called, and those poor kids had to spend about a week in state facilities.
Since illegal immigration is against the law, the act of committing that crime automatically means children with the adult doing that are removed from them. The adults are not in an environment that is safe for the children.
Obviously, the separation from parents is almost as traumatic as the life-threatening trip children just lived through.
Since, Max, we know that your ultimate goal is opening the borders, I think you and others are likely to use this very upsetting issue as a battering ram to champion open borders.
It is a really bad situation, but that doesn’t change the fact that separation of children and law-breaking adults is an established procedure.