Blickers wrote:Nonsense. Obama had two very expensive planes, the F-22 and the F-35, the latter of which has a whole host of innovations. Obama cut the F-22 but kept the F-35. After a whole bunch of putdowns of the forthcoming F-35s on social media-much of it pushed by Russia-the F-35 is beginning to win a lot of people over as they see its capabilities. It improves our overall air strength so that F-16s are far more effective with the help they get from the F-35s.
The F-35 was not designed to be an air-superiority fighter, and is incapable of fulfilling the role of an air-superiority fighter.
It's nice that they improve the strength of our F-16s. That's not going to be a much of a help when most of our F-35s and F-16s have been shot down because we don't have air superiority.
Blickers wrote:Obama slashed the deficit, which greatly aided our economic recovery, (now being reversed by Trump), while bucking Russian inspired criticism of the plane he saved, the F-35, which Russia is scared s***less of.
Russia is not particularly scared of the F-35. Without air superiority fighters to protect them, they will be easily downed by opposing fighters.
The criticism of the F-35's capabilities was not in any way inspired by Russia. Although it is certainly possible that Russia has parroted the widespread criticism from other people.