I've read all 7 pages, and my head is spinning. This is what I heard you say: "You said you'd call me why didn't you call me you said you'd call me why didn't you call me well he called me once but it wasn't a good conversation but he didn't say what I wanted him to but I want him to call more why doesn't he call me I called him and he didn't talk much he bored me he confuses me why didn't he call why didn't he call every waking hour of every waking day...."
You're obsessing. A "casual" relationship DOES NOT mean "connected at the hip." You are not HIM, you do not run his life and you need to quit being so freakishly obsessed over what he does. Maybe that's why he doesn't call? Perhaps he thinks, "If I call her, she'll get mad at again..."
Would you want to date someone that got angry if your phone call was -late-? If your call was "boring"? SERIOUSLY, it is cruel and unusual to be angry at him for not *sounding* compassionate or romantic or lovey-dovey enough for you. Romance cannot be forced, it must come naturally. Besides.. "casual relationship" does not even mean "serious relationship". If you were married, -that- is when I'd expect him to be more doting of you. Right now, he is under no obligation to behave like something he is not.
Stop trying to change him, stop ASSUMING EVERYTHING that he has never told you. You know how to find out if he wants to be with you or not? QUIT making the assumptions and ASK him. Chances are -very- high that he knows, and NOT YOU.
It's truly irritating when people freak out over everything, and highly confusing to your sig other, I'm sure. If anyone's sending mixed messages, it's YOU. "Call me call me FINE I don't need you I'm done with you I can't take this please call me I need you to call me..." You're sending obsessive/worrying/moody comments back. One minute you need him, and the next minute you're throwing him away for not calling on a particular day?
Unless you want to date a nonresponsive, quiet pet, don't complain over these things. Quit the compulsive, obsessive worrying. Quit making assumptions about how HE feels, cause believe me, you have NO idea.
I speak from experience... I drove away someone by doing this, and nearly did a second time (if he didn't have so much patience with me -swoon-). I've learned a lot about my previous behaviour, and I've never done it again
If he irritates you too much, leave him. You two clearly do not have the same needs for each other; you do not match well.
To each his own. Go take a motion to change things, and get rid of him if you can't put up with all the things he apparently does. I don't think there's much else anyone here at the forums can say...
I apologise if I came across as being too mean, but I have a blunt way of speaking to people... if you want the truth, I'll give it as I see it >_>