Material girl, you've become an apologist for her husband's actions. I can only assume this is because you've made a similar choice; to deal with some form of abuse in
your past or are dealing with something similar as we speak. If you've managed to look past such behavior and remain happy I admire you for it. But I'm saddened for you too. This isn't about you or me, however... this is about Charms. Forgive me for chopping up your post, like I'm about to do; please understand I think it's work that needs to be done for Charms' sake. Please remember we're both here for Charms's benefit.
material girl wrote: I see your point OCCOM BILL.
Charms may have written all of that but the fact that she is still with her husband is probably a bigger sign.
She's been with the man for 8 years. That she's still, there is normal. If she gets lucky and finds the sense to leave
before the violence escalates the will be the lucky exception to the rule. The vast majority of woman who marry abusers live in denial until their lives are shattered, or extinguished or forever.
material girl wrote: We all need to let off steam, we do it in the form of writing in forums to strangers.
Unless you're suggesting that she's not being honest, you are trivializing the FACT that she's been abused.
material girl wrote: Yes I agree with stamping out abuse but I think Charms is still with her husband because she wants to save her marriage.
Of course she wants to save her marriage. What kind of dolt wouldn't want to save their marriage? She didn't know before the other day there was an ugly, violent side to the man she married. Now, there will never be another time that she doesn't
know that
there is an ugly, violent side to the man she married.
material girl wrote: Is physical abuse the only reason to get out of a relationship?
What an absurd question. Physical abuse and more importantly the mental power play driving it is the reason Charms is here. There need not be any other reason beyond physical abuse...
material girl wrote: What about verbal abuse which id imagine would happen first,should we all get out of the marriage at that stage?
Why would you ask such a question? It is irrelevant if that "stage" came first... the abuse has already gone well beyond that. Again, you are trivializing the importance of a man squeezing his wife arm, with hatred in his eyes, until she bows to his will. Please don't trivialize it.
material girl wrote: It seems charms husband is doing it to not look weak infront of his cousin.
You have to be kidding. (Sadly, I know you're not.) You are suggesting that if he was abusing his wife to impress his cousin that
lessens the crime?
That is the very worst part of the crime. The FACT that he did so to prove to his cousin that he's in control of his wife too, is the most outrageous apology I've heard in a very long time. If there was any hint of violence that would have been justifiable at that gathering; it would have been her husband standing up for her and telling his cousin to mind his tongue when talking to his wife... or even either of their wives. Men like this are many, Material girl, and I pity you if you think you have to settle for less. Think it through.
I suspect you have some unresolved issues of you own if you can't see the moral bankruptcy in your preceding justification. That is truly the most appalling position that could be taken. Everything about your demeanor here tells me you are a nice person and I promise you you didn't deserve what ever led you to come to those conclusions.
material girl wrote:As Ive said before, if he does it again GET OUT but marriages have to be worked at.
If that priest molests
another child, he should be dealt with. The man is either capable of the evil deed or he isn't. If she'd have known he was; she never would have married him in the first place. She already said she didn't know the man who abused her. But, she's married to him. If she stays married to him, she's going to see that stranger again. I'd wager my kingdom against a cup of cofffee on that.
I apologize again, Material girl for chopping up your post like that. I'm sure it wasn't fun to read, but this isn't about you or I. I'd rather not further distract Charms attention away from the FACT that she's married to a psychopath. This isn't about you or me. Okay?