Is this really all pre-written somewhere? People can't fight destiny? Just from reading so many of these horror stories, I know what happens next. He's going to apologize and convince you it will never happen again... it's just that you disrespected him with respect to his family somehow. You're going to agree never to do that again and the matter is going to slowly fade into memory. Boy will you ever be relieved when this is all behind you, but you'll never quite feel the same again.
Love won't change, sex may be even better with this powerful man and you may even feel like you love him more than ever, having so narrowly avoided losing your future together and all. After a spell you'll hardly remember the shocking fury you saw that day and will only think about it during arguments. Of course, even then it will be no big deal, because you're already trivializing it to mean less than it does.
He on the other hand, may bring gifts or flowers to show you how much he really cares and you'll eagerly accept his love as a sign of how sorry he is. Things will be better than ever until suddenly it happens again... and it will... because it always does. Of course next time, it won't be a bruise on the arm either. That's when you'll start this whole process over again.
Of course you don't want to leave. Of course you love him. Of course he loves you. Things will go back to normal and your marriage will pick up where you left off. Nothing has changed... and nothing will change. He's the same man he was when you married him. You just know him better now. Pity, you're doing everything in your power to pretend you don't, and I sure can't blame you for wanting to either. An ugly truth has been revealed to you, but, as is seemingly always the case you don't want to see it. Try hard to enjoy the next several days, weeks or months that go by without incident. It might be a while yet before the abuse resumes. Right now you're saying, "if it happens again, I'll leave". Of course, had someone asked you last year it would have been "if it happens at all, I'll leave." But you wont. You'll repeat the same mistake, for the same reason (you love him) that the countless millions of abused women before you made.
I'm truly saddened for you, but I do wish you the very best of luck.