This is of course by design. The breakdown of governance and the gridlock in our nation’s capital is not an accident. This is part of the game they play; both parties get to blame the other side for nothing getting done in DC. Ah, but if the corporate masters and plutocratic pimps of the ruling class demand action, both parties snap to attention and pass policies that transfer trillions away from the bottom 99% of Americans right to the pockets of the aristocracy and into the bank vaults of Wall Street.
Politics is one big smoke screen, take away the rhetoric and both parties are identical when it comes to the schemes they push that bludgeons all of us. Obama transferred $14 trillion to globalists by way of Quantitative Easing, Zero Interest Rate Policy and endless bailouts. Not to be undone, Trump takes over and promptly passes a $1.5 trillion dollar boondoggle to the wealthiest 1% while saddling us and our children with an onerous debt that will soon enough flat-line our economy. It’s as though Democrats and Republicans are in a race to see who can be the biggest asshole only for the race to end up in a draw with each successive election—don’t you see that they are all laughing at all of us?