Why I left the Democratic Party

Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:06 am
Olivier5 wrote:

Is a 'democratic socialist' what on the 'continent' we call a social-democrat?

Both terms have been, and continue to be, used in continental Europe as well. Generally speaking, today, those who self-define as democratic socialists (eg the German party The Left, successors of Gysi's Party of Democratic Socialism) will be somewhat to the left of those who self-identify as social-democrats (eg the German SPD). In France, I suppose that puts Melenchon in the democratic socialist camp -- he did apparently declare at least once that "Nous sommes le socialisme démocratique". But as you can see from the examples above, usage has varied quite a bit over time, and the label has been used by anyone from moderate social-democrats to communists.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:10 am
izzythepush wrote:
if they want to be Socialists they shouldn't try mucking around with it by adding qualifiers. It didn't work with National and I can't see Democratic faring any better.

Stubborn historical ignorance, as if the term is some kind of new-fangled invention -- there's a long history of the qualifier "democratic socialism" being used, for better and worse, by socialists around the globe.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:13 am
It is, but in fairness we were outside that bubble, not subject to the same level of propaganda and clearly fake news. We weren't under the same pressure.

That makes Blair's decision and that of his cabinet even more obscene.

Btw, I'm happy to say that my MP, John Denham, resigned his position on the cabinet prior to the invasion. At least some of them acted in a principled manner.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:15 am
If Nimh is addressing me he needn't bother. I put him on ignore after he cut and pasted one of Oralloy's posts and insisted I answer it. I won't be coerced into anything and Oralloy is on ignore for a very good reason.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 10:37 am
If Nimh is addressing me he needn't bother. I put him on ignore after he cut and pasted one of Oralloy's posts and insisted I answer it. I won't be coerced into anything and Oralloy is on ignore for a very good reason.

This is, almost certainly, your most childish post ever, izzy, from a plethora of childish posts. Why do you feel such a great need to come out and explain your childish behavior?

Nimh handed you your ass, in a polite and gracious fashion, considering the stunning ignorance you portrayed and continue to portray on this utter nonsense of yours vis a vis Democratic Socialism.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 12:31 pm
For the record, I'm not really sure what Izzy is referring to with the Oralloy thing. I find it hard to imagine I tried to "coerce" anyone into responding -- not really my style -- but who knows.

I wonder if it had anything to do with this exchange, though. I didn't "cut and paste" anything from Oralloy during that conversation, and certainly didn't try to "coerce" Izzy into answering. But he did seem quite annoyed that we would question his confident repetition of the "Bobsal bet" lore.

Anyway, on democratic socialism. I found back a video with English subtitles of the election debate performance in which Sweden's legendary Prime Minister Olof Palme proudly declared that "I am a democratic socialist. With pride, and with joy". It's interesting, even if the soaring music which the uploader layered it with is really distracting. Palme proceeded to declare that he was "so proud of what democratic socialism has accomplished in our country", but also used the term interchangeably with social democracy, adding for example that "it was social democracy that lifted the country out of poverty and unemployment". That's a stark contrast with Germany, where competing parties have taken the difference between the two labels quite seriously. More reasons, then, to keep an open mind about these labels (and/or be aware that they have served very different purposes over time) -- and in any case, a memorable speech!

Ah, here's a version without music, and it's also got English subtitles (though I had to do some tweaking to see them):

Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 12:56 pm
For the record, I'm not really sure what Izzy is referring to with the Oralloy thing. I find it hard to imagine I tried to "coerce" anyone into responding -- not really my style -- but who knows.

I understand you trying to nip this in the bud, nimh. izzy has a track record of making wild accusations by badly distorting what was written in long ago posts.

For the record, izzy tried to pull the same stunt with me, falsely accusing me of something that he massaged into his said complete fantasy.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 01:12 pm
Okay so it tends to mean: a trully social democrat, a social democrat with a bit of leftism left in him, so to speak.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 02:26 pm
Don't worry, you usually are.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 02:50 pm
If they want to call themselves Social Democrats they can go ahead with my blessing, but if they want to be Socialists they shouldn't try mucking around with it by adding qualifiers.

I hate to break this to you but nobody cares much about your blessing... The qualifier is probably meant to differenciate so-called democratic socialism from Leninist socialism.

[quoteIt didn't work with National and I can't see Democratic faring any better.[/quote]
That's Goodwin law for you.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 03:01 pm
Yes Bush lied, but far too many people were eager to be fooled and much too happy to jump on the war band wagon.

Including you, Olivier. You fully support and provide cover for the war criminals who pulled off the illegal invasions of I & A and 911.
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Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 04:59 pm
hightor wrote:

Finn wrote:
The presence of "money" the NRA and the stoking of fear and resentment though informs your intuition sufficiently to warrant an accusation that people who hold a conservative viewpoint on the 2nd Amendment, have blood on their hands. However, these factors are only "superficial because the true cause of these horrendous acts is our pathological culture

Well, if gun violence is not a cultural phenomenon, what other explanation do you have for the huge discrepancy between our rates of school shootings and those in other countries? If it's the huge number of firearms then it would stand to reason that laws affecting the supply of weapons and their ease of purchase might not be as useless and ineffective as the gunbunnies contend.

Of course, I didn't comment on whether or not culture was involved. As a matter of fact I agree with you, but, clearly, I was taking you to task on how you abandoned your prior arguments. If you agree you have, why not admit it, and stop trying to defend your latest iteration?

Democrats spend as much money or more as their opponents on elections.

You're always quick to bring this up, as if campaign spending is the only money in the picture. It isn't.

I'm always quick to bring it up because it is a very relevant fact. What isn't factual is the conspiracy theories you and blatham always trot out about the Koch Bros. and their "ilk"

As far as stoking fear and resentment, what do you call the claims of Democrats that Republicans are trying to kill people with their policies, are waging war on women, the poor and every other “minority” interest group in America, literally want to control women’s reproductive systems, consider blacks and Hispanics inferior to whites, and, oh yeah, care more about their guns than their children? [/quote

I thought we were discussing gun violence and how right-wing rhetoric might have an effect on it. Why are you bringing up standard Democratic campaign positions which have nothing to do with the discussion and manifestly [i]don't[/i] stoke the sort of fear or resentment which leads to school shootings?

You can put an end to my insistence on bringing such things up very easily. Simply admit the two parties are not significantly different. Instead, you cast aspersions on the GOP as if they are unique. Stop playing coy.

Do you frequently make truly damning accusations about people, despite the fact that you cannot draw a clear line from them to the tragedy for which you blame them; which are based upon an intuitive conclusion which you admit centers on three factors that are “superficial” (and only one of which, whether or not you admit it, can be considered uniquely “owned” by them) and which, when pressed, you discard and offer up an entirely different causation?

I didn't realize you were this thin-skinned. I simply suggested that the long held right wing positions like nationalism, hostility toward non-white immigration, and hyper-individualism tend to complicate any discussion of solutions to gun violence. Many conservatives don't hold these beliefs but the ones that do tend to predominate in this debate.

What you "simply" suggested was that anyone who opposed the Dem's proposal for additional gun control measures was culpable in the deaths of the FL student. To be precise, you didn't "suggest" it, you asserted it. I don't know about you but I tend to get pissed off when someone contends that I have blood on my hands for murders I had absolutely no involvement in. Ascribing it to "thin skin" makes you look like a fool.

Do you image that conservatives are so cold-hearted and devoid of empathy that they would not, quite reasonably, find being accused of having the blood of innocents on their hands to be deeply insulting?

Aww... <sniff>

This is my point. You like to think of yourself as a rational voice in this forum who is not guilty of inane and offensive comments and yet here you are, after accusing a great many people of having blood on their hands. with a snarky denial.

I think before I took offense I'd look at the source of the charge. In this particular case I defy you to point out where I said that "conservatives have the blood of innocents on their hands"? If a similar charge were made against me I'd question the accuser's motivation. I don't subscribe to the notion of "collective guilt" and would simply discount such a specious accusation instead of getting all butt hurt because maybe someone doesn't like me or my politics.

Nice parsing. You asserted that anyone who opposed the Dem's efforts had blood on their hands. I guess there might have been a few liberals among them. Rolling Eyes

Talk about “fighting words” Do today’s liberals have any concept of what this term means other than voicing opinions like marriage should be between a man and a woman, men who simply feel like women should not be permitted to use the same public bathrooms as young girls who are only biologically female, all lives matter, men on campuses accused of sexual misconduct should not be deprived of due process, or hunting and killing animals is good fun?

Now that you've had time to cool down maybe you can reformulate this so it's comprehensible. What's it have to do with gun violence and school shootings?

When you claim I have blood on my hands, those are "fighting words," and I say it as calmly as I can.

"marriage should be between a man and a woman" — why?

Why what? This was an example of what outrages liberals.

"men who simply feel like women should not be permitted to use the same public bathrooms as young girls who are only biologically female" — you think it's so "simple" — what about people who have a complex relation to the gender attributed to them at birth and have lived as the opposite gender for a good portion of their lives?


"all lives matter" — except that this feel-good platitude is pretty hollow when contrasted with human history. All lives should matter, sure — but they don't, which is why we have this nifty little slogan.

And yet again

"men on campuses accused of sexual misconduct should not be deprived of due process" — if they're singled out because they're white sports heroes?

And lookee here another attempt at diversion.

"hunting and killing animals is good fun" — you know, I've killed a number of animals in my life. Some were euthanized, some were raised by me for slaughter, and some were hunted and harvested in the wild. I've never considered killing to be "good fun". In fact, the people who do are often people who end up killing other people. There's a word for those types — "creeps".

And again Rolling Eyes

Look if you are having second thoughts about your claim about who has blood on their hands, then man up and admit it. If you're not then spare us the bullshit and double down.

Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 05:48 pm
You could have spared my feelings, now I'm bereft.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 06:21 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I'm glad you took the time to respond. I don't know if I can clear this up to your satisfaction but I can try.

I followed the thread back to see if I could find where I accused you of "having blood on your hands." I couldn't. Because I didn't. Not even figuratively.

Here's what I did find. In response to Lash I said this:

"What I'm saying is that it's somewhat hypocritical or maybe disingenuous for right wing elements who have opposed efforts to curb gun violence to suddenly try to blame the FBI in this case, as if it lets them off the hook."

Every time there's a mass shooting the sides square off in a predictable manner. And every time some effort is made to limit the sale of guns, by any means, to any degree, there's opposition from the Republicans. Okay, they don't believe those efforts would be effective. (Although there is evidence which that suggests it might be.) The Republicans and the NRA don't want to limit gun sales but in face of the awful shootouts and in the face of strong public demand that the government do something, they're now pushing the "mental health" angle. Okay, let's look at the statistics. Oh ****, there aren't any good ones because the NRA has pushed legislation which prohibits the ATFE from creating a federal registry of gun transactions. I don't believe there's even been a permanent director at the ATFE for years. Now the ATFE works to deregulate sound suppressors and is promoting other pro-gun measures. And why are "bump stocks" still legal? It's things like this that give people the impression that the Republican Party is probably not interested in placing any restrictions on gun sales. If they want to attack the problem from the mental health side, I wish them luck. Not all killers are crazy, not all crazy people exhibit obvious signs of insanity, psychiatric interventions will depend on implementing an expensive, and invasive, system of public health record-keeping, and so on.

Then, in response to ehBeth, I made this remark:

"I hope the right-wingers don't start using this as more fuel for their campaign to discredit the Bureau because it would be a classic way for them to cover their own culpability."

There had been an increasing amount of criticism of the FBI from the right, basically trying to discredit Mueller and Rosenstein and when I saw the new criticism of the Bureau for failing to identify Cruz on YouTube and for not following up on a tip I thought, "They're already running a cottage industry taking pot shots at the Department of Justice for the Russian stuff and now they'll be piling on the Bureau over this." I thought the criticism was unfair, at least we ought to wait until we find out more about the nature of the "tip", etc. Turned out that a lot of "tips" were ignored or overlooked in local law enforcement as well. And I wondered if, in light of the public sentiment that swells toward gun control after one of these incidents, those critics from the right might have a vested interest in turning attention to the failure of law enforcement rather than the failure of the legislative branch. They could be seen as (indirectly) culpable only by their inaction.

(I don't see how that ends up being an accusation of you — or any other individual conservative — having blood on your hands, I honestly don't. I've often found that you seem to misinterpret a lot of the things I attempt to say, and always for the worse.)

As far as rightists on this board, I wasn't even considering them in this context. As I said, Lash is already perceived that way, rightly or wrongly, so her harsh criticism of Wray and the Bureau didn't suddenly turn her into a "rightist" in my eyes. I think that's what she was talking about. I was very surprised at your subsequent attack as I was defending the Bureau. I suppose I could take more time and try to develop every point in full in the hope of making myself understood to all. But I don't look at this forum as a vehicle for that kind of in-depth writing and I doubt anyone would want to read more of what I have to say.

This was an example of what outrages liberals.

Well it doesn't "enrage" me. Why do you want to enrage people anyway? All this talk about "fightin' words". Jeez man, pick up your guitar.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 06:33 pm
I don't think this is one of your areas of interest, hightor, but it was a good excuse.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 08:55 pm
hightor wrote:
Well, if gun violence is not a cultural phenomenon, what other explanation do you have for the huge discrepancy between our rates of school shootings and those in other countries?

The reason is: we abandon people who are mentally ill and/or suffering instead of compassionately caring for them like other countries do.

hightor wrote:
If it's the huge number of firearms then it would stand to reason that laws affecting the supply of weapons and their ease of purchase might not be as useless and ineffective as the gunbunnies contend.

People who are killed with bombs are just as dead as people who are killed with guns.

I like that term gunbunnies. It is much less offensive than a term that other people use.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 08:57 pm
Olivier5 wrote:
What's obscene is to let the fools who voted for this horror off the hook. That includes many dems, and important media institutions such at the NYT. Yes Bush lied, but far too many people were eager to be fooled and much too happy to jump on the war band wagon.

Bush didn't lie.

I suppose horror is in the eye of the beholder, but I don't find the Iraq war to be particularly horrific.

If I'd been in charge, as soon as we'd captured Saddam I'd have had him secretly killed and buried in a secret grave out in the desert somewhere, and then pulled our forces out by the end of the first year.

But all in all things weren't too bad.
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Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 08:58 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
I never had the patience to decipher all the nuances of the different socialism definitions. I just know I support a system democratically arrived at and democratically maintained. Any authoritarian moves, such as communists employ, rejected.

Socialism is an economic system where the government is in charge of running the businesses.

It can be democratic and have civil rights, it can be a totalitarian dictatorship, or it can be anything in between.
Reply Mon 19 Feb, 2018 09:58 pm
Socialism is an economic system where the government is in charge of running the businesses.

Typical American ignorance.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 20 Feb, 2018 07:12 am
izzythepush wrote:
You could have spared my feelings, now I'm bereft.

I have no merit. You're so easily angered.

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