I don't know the details but my understanding is that the current platform bears the mark of Bernie and is about ok as a result. The problem was that nobody really knew for sure that HRC would try to implement it. Her take on policy issues is notoriously unstable.
I would argue that a even more aggressively leftist platform would work even better for the Dems -- a single payer system, higher taxes on the wealthy, a smaller armed forces, a strong impetus to public education, and the likes. The Dems need to come back to their basis, stop chasing after the ever-radicalising Repukes, stop trying to occupy an ever moving "centre", and instead respond to the desire of the nation for serious structural change.
Getting the message right is key to using any media effectively; it's not "either or". And social media, mind you, is especially useful to LISTEN to the electorate. It's not just a new way to broadcast.