Yes, nice and easy with those agents. Maybe you should also flash around some of that monopoly money that Canucks use as currency.
Re: Does Canada have Weapons of Mass Destruction?
shewolfnm wrote:gustavratzenhofer wrote:Canada has weapons of mass destruction
And they are hidden at Cav's house. So we should all go over there and look. ;-)
I do eat a lot of beans, and spicy food.
Good luck on the northern invasion, and watch out for beavers, Joe.
I'm up to my armpits in beavers. Actually the bit between my nose and my.....................................
Damn, Joe is getting closer, so now I have to go hide my weapons of mass destruction now instead of tomorrow like I had planned. Damn you Joe!
Bru66 wrote:littlek,
Now that I have your attention, what is your favourite men's cologne?
Any other ladies want to help me?

Whoops, I missed this. I actually am not a big fan of cologne. I like men to smell like, well, men. I can appreciate a nice cologne, but I don't know any names.
Did Joe get stopped at the border?
Is Bru66 lost in the men's cologne section at The Bay?
Canadians have misplaced or had 900 airport security uniforms stolen. Would you call that having WMD's and good enough reason for a Bush invasion to force a regime change. I hope the Canadian PM has a better hidy hole than Saddam :wink:
LOL you guys are hilarious.
So how ever did Joe N end up in his current circumstances, as in compared to Stillwater's, what with his track record and all? It's almost unbelievable! Is he simply beyond all of that, now - or is it the martyr thing?
If I were told I could have my way with little K (funny how that rhymes, eh?) in a canoe, I think I'd not be pondering the subject of cologne for much longer by the way ...
So - nimh - how are YOU in a canoe?
ehBeth wrote:So - nimh - how are YOU in a canoe?
Well, there's the tiny issue of not being able to swim, but considering the stakes I'd say it'd still be worth a try
Imminent death never stopped anyone from trying canoe sex. I fondly remember my first time in the Yukon with Paul Martin, a polar bear, several hockey sticks, and Shania Twain dressed up as a Mounty -- at least I think that was Shania, although it may have been a rabid wolverine. Were in not for Paul's amazing ability to pull his left leg over his own shoulder and into the wolverine's mouth (orÂ… er, Shania's mouth), the canoe would have certainly tipped over into the icy water.
Let me also put that last post into perspective so people don't get the wrong idea about my loyalties in the present struggle with Canada. I've found that Paul and Shania have a bit of a weakness for the old "I'll show you my weapon of mass destruction if you show me yours." Needless to say, lips were loose and tongues were wagging: mission accomplished.
I walked across the Bay of Fundy at low tide dragging a canoe with my stolen dog (WhiteNBlack is his new undercover name) my guitar and my stolen laptop. Following the lights from the shore I came upon a little town named Lower S-,-j,,lk, (some code to cover my tracks) there I met a man and his wife named Edgar Maire, I never got the man's name.
Edgar Maire was an interesting woman, although I seldom meet an uninteresting woman, she was tall but kept herself very small by folding her arms tightly around herself and wearing a large droopy hat. Actually, I had known Edgar Maire for more than an hour before I discovered that she was not the husband of the man I had met. I had just assumed that they were a gay couple escaped from Massachusetts to find a new life here on the godforsaken stretches of New Brunswick.
Which brings another question to mind, besides the one I sure you are asking about the weapons of mass destruction, the one I am referring to is "Where the heck is Brunswick?" That's all. Just wondering. I am also wondering if anyone in New York knows where York is, I know we all knew who the Duchess of York was but did we know the historical signifigance of her nameplace.
While I pondered these things, Edgar Maire drove me and the fishgut dog over to Turo to find a place to stay. She said he didn't smell any worse than her husband did on a Friday which I took to mean a sly hint at something, but I took a vow when I signed up with Harvey and Pete and Micah that we would not engage the enemy by using our sex appeal, something that Pete forgot when he slid his bolt with Oma back there in the snows of Maine. AH war, it makes us forget.
Which reminds me. Pete did call and was a little testy about me having his laptop in a canoe in the middle of the Bay of Fundy. He's to pick me up tomorrow at the rendevous after I uncover the WMDs of Canada.
Btw I think I am too late. Apparently Bush has already invaded this piece of Canada a couple of days ago landing in Halifax and spending no time before sipping a lite soda and taking a powder back to Washington.
Meanwhile the place is crawling with Treasury Officers and Secrect Service.
I'll guess I'll mop up here.
Joe (do you have enough pillows, EdgarMaire?) Nation
Hahaha! I did take that emergency safety segment at the tail end of my swimming education courses.
Joe, you rock.
ehBeth wrote:poutine
that's our WMD
Don't forget beaver tails and/or funnel cake. That stuff will kill ya as well.
<Just to let Joe in on a little Canajun secret, we haven't located Foundland either, but don't tell the secret service. Rumour is, that's where CSIS has their hidden base, and decoder rings, and...oars, very large, heavy oars...>
I'm good with oars.
Dragonboat racing is great for the development of scary biceps.
I've had poutine at a Tim Horton's rest stop and I have to say that while it is refreshing to feel the old arteries being clogged in a completely new way, poutine really wasn't that good. Maybe it was the cheese curd or the boiling hot gravy that kept burning my fingers...