It would work well with a potato pancake too, and hot red cabbage. I'm just brainstorming.
The kartoffel pfannkuchen with rotkohl.
ehBeth wrote:The kartoffel pfannkuchen with rotkohl.
You simply must stop speaking German. My 'people' feel persecuted, what with that Holocaust thing and all. <Just trying to stick to politics, Yaweh forbid a thread should digress> :wink:
but but but ya keep servin' all these classic German meals
ehBeth wrote:but but but ya keep servin' all these classic German meals
I swear I've never served hassenpfeffer in my life, or crazy sausages, or beer.
you said red cabbage
i heard you
i did
Serves me right for apprenticing with Stadtlander.
Ain't nothin' wrong with a properly prepared Hassenpfeffer. Possibly the best Hassenpfeffer I ever ate was not in Germany but, as it happens, at the Kilauea Inn in Hawaii. The chef there is German. He also makes some of the best ossobuco you ever tasted.
Serves ya right, ya red cabbage offering fiend.
ehBeth wrote:Serves ya right, ya red cabbage offering fiend.
<Big sigh> Sadly, due to industry downfalls, I can only offer red cabbage if I'm being paid. :wink:
now, speaking of WMD - a little bit of cabbage combined with one of my dogs - we could clear a small city of all living organisms
ehBeth's bowels, the dog's bowels, or both? I favour both, for a full-on WMD, and an attack on two fronts. Classic pincher movement, as in a loaf, with ominous and deadly gas.
ehBeth wrote:Poutine rappe is a different dish.
Thérèse is one of a dozen or so women in the community who, every couple of months, gather together to make and sell poutines. Their recipe makes about 1000 poutines!!! Thérèse has kindly adjusted the measurements for a smaller batch: 10 poutines.
Grate 13-14 large potatoes
Boil 4 large potatoes
Cut 1-1/2 lbs. of pork in small pieces
Mash cooked potaoes.
Using large dish towel, squeeze liquid from grated potatoes (be careful not to squeeze potatoes too dry).
Mix well grated and mashed potatoes. Add salt to taste.
Bring water to boil in a large pot, with a bit of salt.
Make a ball with potato mixture. Make an indentation with your hand and put in a small amount of meat. Roll into a ball. Place in boiling water. Repeat with remaining mixture.
Simmer for two hours.
Serve hot with molasses or brown sugar sprinkled on the top or served on the side.
That's it. When I was growing up, the only poutines you could get around here was poutine rapee, but since there were no other poutine available, we just called them poutine. My cousin came up a few years ago and asked for a poutine at a local restaurant and she thought they brought her the wrong plate. She had never heard of french fries with cheese and gravy being called poutine. I never heard of it either until we moved back up here 4 1/2 years ago when they were selling it in local restaurants and I almost ordered some one day when I thought they were the poutines I grew up with. I never knew the name went back that far and I wondered why they would call those poutines as well. Thanks for the history lesson Beth ;-)
If you didn't know poutine growing up, you must be verra verra old, Montana. Older even than me.
The 1950's, girl!
(one of the reasons i love to listen to the CBC - so much to learn about Canada)
They have infiltrated New Mexico with their propaganda!! Further proof of weapons of mass destruction---we deny our national identity. What is the world coming to???
The ultimate Canadian weapon of mass destruction...
our beer.
Which of your beers, exactly?