Now I have the idea, a canoe I can use - just need a man. Anyone? Anyone?
Well, we read Merry Andrew's post about postponing the preemptive on Pete's laptop and then we had a good time saying 'post about postponing the preemptive' three times fast without spitting any beer on ourselves till Oma got a little restless and tossed us out in the four and half inches of partly cloudy with a chance of flurries.
Peter, he's the quiet, funny one, had got a little sweet on Oma and (yes, it's always the damned quiet, funny ones) she had been making signs that she might be be receptive to some courting so when she kept him inside whilst slamming the door on me and Micah and Harvey's backsides, we got the message and didn't wait on him to come out, but went out to the RV parked over at the The Tippy Tee-Pee Campground.
The locks were frozen solid.
That would have been a problem except Harvey had a great idea which involved getting Elmer, the chief of the Tippy TeePee Campground, to lend us a ladder and a ball peen hammer. Right after Elmer said yes and went out to the storage shed, I headed for the highway with my guitar, Pete's laptop and the last bottle of screw-top wine the company had saved for an emergency. I had been present for other occurrences of Harvey's great ideas and didn't want to go jail again and if you think it wouldn't be against the law to break into your own RV, first you have to ask if it was our RV in the first place which, not to put too fine a point on it, it was not. So I lit out.
I stood on Highway 202 for almost an hour in the snow but there was no one going by, North or South. Finally, I saw a truck headed North and I flagged the driver down. He's a nice guy, named Rennie and his dog is BlacknWhite, they are headed for Canada and so am I.
Enemy terror-tory by dawn tomorrow.
Joe (gawd'am that dog stinks) Nation
dont give out your 20 there JN, there maybe some canajuns listening in. Well expectt a report on your ETA at 0500. Try to blend in, smear some poutine on your face and stick some Tim Hortons in your duster.
Well set up a supply line. Extra Crispy ok?
10-4 , and 30.
Does anyone else notice that Keith Richard resembles the main character in the movie "Weekend at Bernie's?"
i've got a canajun friend who's joined up but hasn't posted yet
he'd know what to do with l'k and a canoe
Bru66 - come out, come out, wherever you are!
you often see guys like tthese at thhe Water Street Mission as they hail traffic . The one on the right has the squeegee.
if they hadnt produced some really good tunes, these guys would be pathetic.
As far as I can tell, the Rolling Stones couldn't be killed with a cinder block nailed to a baseball bat. And I understand that NASA needs 'volunteers' to travel to Mars. They will need to be immune to cosmic rays, the punishing effects of travel, drug therapies and will be sterile when they get there.......
.......I'm struggling to find any holes in this argument.
Struggle no more!
Stilly, you are making me chuckle!
I salute you, our brave A2K warriors!!!!
go to
sorry - can't display it.
It's a pity you left you brains on the wrong side of the border!
Stilly, we can't see the pic.
paula - click on 'go to' in stilly's post. the link is there.
naughty naughty man :wink:
Ooooooh look at that, I think I like Canadian men, they seem ~resourceful~ and ~creative~.
and I bet all the women wear party hats!
Way to go, JN! Infiltrate them all unawares and all like that. We are all solidly behind you. Wayyy behind you. Where it's warm. But we'll back you up. Somehow. Never fear.
The guy on the back is wearing slippers, it's a clear indication that he is a good man and will be returning home soon to be with his family.
His dog fetched them slippers, dogs is loyal.
I am personally leading an amphibious attack on St Kitts.
It may not appear to be a big support role, but those fellows are part of the Commonwealth and sort of Frenchified. I suspect that there has been a transfer of WMDs to this location with the intention to counter-attack our forces. I can be contacted at my command post....