I'll be damned. St Kitts is almost as big as Florida, and it's protected by a big black box. Damn you, Celine!
There are rumours of processing plants that can produce a highly volatile liquid known by the locals as 'rum'. My first forays into these dangerous parts will be to ascertain the truth to this and obtain samples for the UN inspectors. In the interests of world peace I will even try out this hellish potion on MYSELF to keep the free world....... free.
Good news, I have secretly made an appointment to meet the leader of this tyranny...

I will be disguised as a overweight, balding, middle-aged white tourist that dribbles onto his shirt everytime 'El Presidente' shakes her money maker. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh, gooooooooooooooooooooood!
What news from the Northern Front? Have our brave lads finally manage to retrieve their 'equipment' after it was flash-frozen to that skidoo? <snigger>
Yer a brave soul, Mr. Stillwater, to go into the teeth of the enemy like this.
Mr Stillwater wrote:
What news from the Northern Front? Have our brave lads finally manage to retrieve their 'equipment' after it was flash-frozen to that skidoo? <snigger>
I recruited some of the girl's here to help
un-thaw the
members of the ski-doo team. The girl's and I have been working
very hard all night.
touch and go as to whether the
members will be fully functional in the future.
When I realized the seriousness of the situation, I was
right on it in full force.
I will keep you all posted as new situations............
The invasion of Canada remains stalled. Really. For those who missed the early portion, I've left the company of Harvey, Micah and Pete and hitched a ride up Highway 202 with a trucker named Rennie and his dog, BlacknWhite who stinks, not Rennie, the dog. Actually, Rennie stinks too but not as bad as the dog who Rennie lets roll in the cargo area of his semi every time they drop a load. Okay, here's the thing. Rennie's truck is full of fish parts. That's right, fish parts. Not whole fish, just the parts, mostly the guts parts which are left over when the packers make your canned mackerel and dried cod.
We are on our way to Canada up Highway 202 except that Rennie says it only goes to Augusta and then we have to take the backroads to Cape Enrage.
At present we are going nowhere. The truck stalled at a stoplight about 3 AM and Rennie went off to look for a mechanic. I have not seen him since and am beginning to worry about him and how I shall continue in my mission.
Now that I have your attention, what is your favourite men's cologne?
Any other ladies want to help me?
Armani Emporio
hubby wears it....mmmmmmmm.......
The candians are too nice. They wouldn't have WMD's would they?
Kristie wrote:The candians are too nice. They wouldn't have WMD's would they?
Or are we just subtle....muahaha...
cavfancier wrote:Kristie wrote:The candians are too nice. They wouldn't have WMD's would they?
Or are we just subtle....muahaha...
I forgot
you were a Canadian...well that just changes my perception. :wink:
Bru66 wrote:littlek,
Now that I have your attention, what is your favourite men's cologne?
Any other ladies want to help me?

I also like Aqua di gio (spelling??) by armani. that is what hubby was wearing when I met him. Mmmmm.....
The new Ralph Lauren cologne is yummy too...
you mean like tasty?
Don't listen to her Bru66. She's just gonna get you into trouble.
ehBeth wrote:Yummy?
you mean like tasty?
Don't listen to her Bru66. She's just gonna get you into trouble.
no like I wanna eat HIM yummy.....
Let me suggest the "odor of raw man." This deliriously delicious scent requires that you abstain from the shower for a while.
you mean there's a baked variant?
Actually, "man" smells pretty good...not sweaty man...but....oh, you know....not in the armpit or crack or anything like that, but on the neck.....au natural. I love the way my hubby smells.
ehBeth wrote:oy!
you mean there's a baked variant?
yeah, after he's not showered and then lays out in the sun for a while.
ehBeth wrote:oy!
you mean there's a baked variant?
Ach no! The real man is not baked; he's either raw or fried. And he is certainly not sauteed.