katya - <points up to sozobe's post>
katya, a British poster on another forum started calling my now-3-yr-old daughter the sozlet (using the "-let" diminutive, like owlet.) It stuck.
I gave a collection of the "What made you smile today?" stories to all the grandparents and that went over well. I found that I have a little too much awareness now, though -- is that funny enough? Is it original enough -- so I'll probably just post some boring stuff until I get over that. (And maybe even some NON-sozlet stories!)
Like, the other day I went to the optometrist's. There was some weird back-and-forths about whether I had the same perscription for both eyes -- me: yes I do, eyeguy: no you don't. This went on for a while, I caught a glimpse of the chart, it was some other person's chart. I pointed it out, he looked sheepish, I said, "Do I look like a Juan to you?", with perhaps a bit too much attitude, he looked more sheepish and slunk off. He slunk all the way across a large room (mall Lenscrafter's), I worried that I'd pissed him off, and then I saw him recount the whole thing to his co-worker, including "Do I look like...?", and they both cracked up. :-) We joked about it for the rest of the appointment... he was one of those guys that are fun to needle into laughing when they're trying to be professional.
well, you do distinctly look less like a juan now that the bandage is off ... <nods>
Sitting down at the table (finally able to settle down just a little bit in the way that eBeth tried to help me be ...) - and seeing through the crack between the curtains that outside, in the dark - it is snowing! There's snow on the street, white, crispy snow that stays ... a girl got off her bike and slid down the slope of the ramp here with it ... its on my balcony, too, and outside it looks like untouched. Rare moment of beaty on a mindlamingly fearful day.
Sounds like a Kodak moment!
Smiled when Stefan called me from work. I decided not to go there for lunch but have a long bath instead. So he called to ask if he should bring me something to eat. So sweet!
What's he up to Urs? < he he > Don't tell him I said that:)
Oops, he read it, Misti! He says he's not laughing :-)
I became a proud uncle on the 2nd. My neph arrived in this world 3.5 weeks early. He is still in an incubator, and a bit weak but doing pretty good. The mother lost a lot of blood and is still under observation.
But I havent stopped smiling since - everyone in my family is thrilled to bits !
Congratulations, uncle Gautam! I can imagine you are still smiling. I hope they will be able to leave the hospital soon and everything is going well.
awwwwwwwwwwww, uncle Gautam! Now that has a nice ring to it!

I suppose you are going to spoil him rotten, Gautam?
Nuttin' honey, I was in a pissy mood!
Sorry msolga, yucky feeling, huh?
Yes, afraid so, Misti .... Don't know why, just woke up that way!
Even cancelled the daily early morning work with my friend ... Just didn't feel up to it.
And you?
My nephew, baby Cole, born 11/30 has started to smile AT us. One of the most endearing things ever.
I went to my dermatologist today. It was her first day back at work after having twins six months ago. It made me smile to see her eyes light up when she talked about them!
Later, at home, as I was packing, (in anticipation of a move to my new house) I found a pencil-scrawled letter that my eight year old daughter (now thirty) sent me from summer camp. (smiles and fond memories)
"Religion is an argument over who has the best imaginary friend."
(Quinn1's signature.)
I was cranky, so I went to the Build A Bear Workshop store in the mall. Worked like a charm. I got a new floppy bunny with pink leopard pajamas and bunny slippers. (I have to admit, she's under my arm as I type....It's been a REALLY bad week.) Her name is Knya which is Moroccan* for rabbit.
*My Moroccan assistant makes the distinction between the various Arabic dialects. She tells me the bad words I was taught are all Algerian. It was an Algerian who taught me, after all.
A Build-a-Bear workshop store? <awakes in wide-eyed child desire>
I need that ...
<matter-of-fact> yeh, that would be nice, if that were around here. <nods>
Sorry to hear you've had a rotten week, Terry.
Hope the world will soon give you some new moment to feel like your avatar in ....
Oh and congrats to Gautam!!