Why are we here?

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 09:41 am
What is the purpose of life?
Does life have meaning?
What is better: to be a person with purpose or a person without purpose ... in life?
Where are we going, where are our perspectives, where are our dreams ... where are we?
Can one believe both in Money and in God?
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Type: Discussion • Score: 19 • Views: 32,895 • Replies: 390
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Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 01:12 am
I heard a joke about this today.
To the question 'Why are we here?'
The Atheist answered: Because everybody has to be somewhere in space and time ... as a result of the Big Bang.
The Theist: Because God knows and can send us everywhere he decides, depending on his grace and mercy.
The Blogger: Because this is the current top-rated topic on the blog.
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:56 am
I'll take a shot at this......

What is the purpose of life?
*The pupose of life is to live it in your own interpretation. So "What is YOUR purpose IN life?" is the real question. And that's for you to figure out.~

Does life have meaning?
*Not by default. Part of YOUR purpose in life is to GIVE it a meaning.~

What is better: to be a person with purpose or a person without purpose ... in life?
*A person without a purpose is a dead person. That's how I see it. Your given life to find a purpose for it. Even if your purpose is to find a purpose.~

Where are we going, where are our perspectives, where are our dreams ... where are we?
*Everyone has a different perspective and outlook on life. Learn to speak for yourself and find these things out on your own as life goes on.~

Can one believe both in Money and in God?
*If you think about it. Money is made by man, and man was created by God (according to the Bible). It's for you to choose what you want to believe. I would say that the belief in money gives no meaning. But the belief in God does.~

Hope that helped =)
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 01:00 pm
Thank you for the post, but I am not sure about the last answer.
I would say that the belief in money gives no meaning. But the belief in God does.

All the people that I know & most of the people that I am watching on the TV ... everybody believes in money. Money is their God. They don't believe in anything else.
Most of the people are thinking that if (somehow) they have a lot of money (without the obligation to return it or to maintain some turnover at risk) they will have no problems.
IMV having money without risk is just the beginning of the big trouble.
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 04:26 pm
I'm not sure if this will make sense to you but I'll give it a try.

I believe that in this day in age people not only don't want to be broke, but they are truly in fear of the lack of money. And to overcome that fear they feel as though they need an abundance of it.

Honestly, I don't think people really care about having a lot of money. There are millionaires and billionaires around the world that don't know what to do with their money. But unless they're humble enough to donate to charity, you don't see them just giving it away right? That's because they care more about the GUARANTEE that they will never lack it.

Most people today believe in money as if it is their god ONLY for the hope that one day enough will come to them so that there's never a shortage of it .

So to answer your original question. No, people can't believe in money and believe in God. Those that try to do it are deceiving themselves and life will NOT go they way they hope it would.
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 09:38 pm
MacrOScopicaL wrote:
I believe that in this day in age people not only don't want to be broke, but they are truly in fear of the lack of money. And to overcome that fear they feel as though they need an abundance of it.

We are not talking about aged people having enough money to live. The story is about the people that have a lot of money (more than they can ever spend throughout their lifetime, even if wasting it) ... and are destroying everything on their way:
1. In order to keep on making more and more of it in the first place, and
2. When spending it (as a result of their 'free will', knowing no constraints)

... that don't know what to do with their money.

Most of the people that have acquired a lot of money all of a sudden (lotto or inheritance) don't know what to do with it (besides spending it as fast as they can ... in the most foolish and non-viable way).
In the general case money is the technical feasibility to achieve one's goals in life (if one has ever had any reasonable such).

But unless they're humble enough to donate it to charity

I am not sure that donation to charity makes any sense at all.
Money is a measure of value. It measures the things (goods and services) that one gives to society and the things (goods and services) that one can receive in exchange for his efforts and hard working, implementation of knowledge and skills in benefit to society, etc.
Any donations only mess up the equation to infinity and intorduce chaos and contradictions in the public relations.
To give money to the poor with an assignment to clean up the town channel or to fix the city garden is one thing, and to give money to whosoever, just so, against nothing, could hardly be called any reasonable way of spending it. Most of the people work for their money ... but there are some people receiving it on some charity schemes.
Besides that most of the poor do not have any purpose in life - what will be the benefits to the society if one gives to them money ... in order to be able to live without working & without putting any efforts in life. It doesn't make any sense,
... not to say that most of the donations sink into the pockets of the church board and never reach any poor or non-poor seculars.

Most people today believe in money as if it is their god ONLY for the hope that one day enough will come to them so that there's never a shortage of it.

This is not exactly so. The casino investors at the stock exchange hardly believe in any money ... just so, to have always enough of it. They simply cannot stop misusing with the system ... and with their history positions on the market. Their purpose in life is to collect all the money of the world ... and to do with it whatever they like (no mater whether this is destroying the planet the day after tomorrow or today) ... & to buy eventually indulgences before God (when and if they need such).

No, people can't believe in money and believe in God.

This is not so certain, for most of the priests do ... not to speak about the lecturers preaching any teachings of any kind on the stadium only for money ... and for nothing else.
Just look at the houses of some, look at the flashes in their eyes when they are reading the list of donations on the TV.
Does this seem believing in God and non-believing in money? I wonder!
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 09:55 pm
Herald wrote:

The casino investors at the stock exchange hardly believe in money just to have always enough of it. They simply cannot stop misusing with the system ... and with their history positions on the market. Their purpose in life is to collect all the money of the world ... and with it to destroy the planet as fast as they can ... & to buy eventually indulgences before God (when and if they need such).

Herald, do you really believe people reason in that way? You think wealthy Wall Street types want to destroy the planet "as fast as they can" -- with themselves still on it, no less? And do you really think their "escape plan" is to buy their way into heaven?

Naw, they're smarter than that.

Here's what I figure. I think the One Percent feels there are too many people on this planet. How wonderful would nature be if they only had to share it with 70 million people instead of 7 billion?!? So what I figure is, they're going to keep emitting CO2 until world agriculture deteriorates to the point where there's only enough food left to feed one percent of the current population. They'll control the armies that will protect their food supply, as food gradually grows scarcer and scarcer and the rest of us die off.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 09:56 pm
You might like this:

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Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 10:59 pm
Herald wrote:
What is the purpose of life?

That's an overbroad question. The purpose of your life is whatever you want to do with it. The purpose of my life is whatever I want to do with it. That's good enough for me. I find it immature, needy and lazy to expect the purpose of ones life, and everybody else's, to be handed down to you from high above.

Herald wrote:
Does life have meaning?

No. Same problem. Overbroad question.

Herald wrote:
What is better: to be a person with purpose or a person without purpose ... in life?

That's up to you. If you need a purpose, find one.

Herald wrote:
Where are we going, where are our perspectives, where are our dreams ... where are we?

I haven't the slightest idea --- and I'm comfortable with that.

Herald wrote:
Can one believe both in Money and in God?

Yes. I know people who believe that they both exist.
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:18 pm
You didn't "hear a joke," you made that **** up. You're pathetically transparent. You're just out to peddle your personal agenda . . . again.
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:43 pm
If you think that you are interesting to anybody with that indefinite negative reasoning, switched on at full power and searching the space for a target at random ... and justified exclusively by your own personal bipolar complexes ... nobody is interested in your super-personal and super-non-objective opinion. Weren't you a teacher in English or something. How did it happen that all of a sudden become an expert in psychology?
Reply Fri 23 Aug, 2013 11:48 pm
... I find it immature, needy and lazy to expect the purpose of ones life, and everybody else's, to be handed down to you from high above.

I am not asking about this.
The question is: has our species (the mankind) any special purpose of its existence and development, and if we (as species) don't have any special purpose (or at least cannot formulate it properly), how can an individual claim that he/she has super-meaningful purpose in life ... and all the money of the other people shuld go to him/her, respectively?
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 12:02 am
You think wealthy Wall Street types want to destroy the planet "as fast as they can"

No, most probably they don't understand of what they are doing ... and don't care.
Yet you cannot deny that most of the superrich spend their money on:
1. SUVs for themsleves
2. SUVs for their relatives ... & for their mistresses
3. Promiscuous & meaningless business jet flies (on private jets) to and fro
4. Supersafe investments with shin-kan-sen rate of return (usually digging fossil fuels, low-cost energy plants - TPPs, overfishing the ocean to infinity, and in the general case overexploring the natural resources to complete exhausting).
Aha, I forgot to mention spending a lot of money on advertising of junk food and concealing information and disseminating desinformation about the CO2 (in order to gain some more time for their 'creative business' activities).
I cannot tell for sure whether they want to destroy the planet or not, but it is exactly what they are doing.
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Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 12:11 am
Kolyo wrote:
I think the One Percent feels there are too many people on this planet.

This is obvious. Some of them have even 'the formula' of how to reduce the population of the Earth by 10-15% (1.2 BN) ... by means of 'vaccinations' and other?! 'medical services'.
Kolyo wrote:
They'll control the armies that will protect their food supply, as food gradually grows scarcer and scarcer and the rest of us die off.

It is not only the food supplies. Some of them have fresh ideas of how to bottle any spring water (no matter at the time of drought or not), and to make 50 000 % profit out of it.
What will be the next? - the air. Things will start to become interesting when some other people guess to 'bottle' the air that we breathe.
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Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 05:42 am
Not only does your English suck, you have no reasoning powers. This was not a "target at random." It was a specific targeting of the bullsh*t you've been trying to peddle almost since you showed up at this site.

I've not claimed to be an expert in psychology, although it appears that you think you are. I just saw your so-called joke, and immediately recognized the terms of the propaganda you've been attempting to spread around here. As i said, you're transparent. If you don't like being told you're a liar, spreading bullsh*t, then don't tell lies and peddle bullsh*t.
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 05:55 am
Setanta wrote:
you have no reasoning powers.

... and you have no evidences to that claim.
It is just a sentence thrown in the air (I don't dare to call it claim or statement). I have assessment of my reasoning abilities ... and you don't even know how this is assessed.
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 06:00 am
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 06:26 am
RE: Who am I?
This is basic question in all religions ... & in most philosophy schools.

RE: Why am I here (on Earth)?
This is also standard question in religion.
The CBN.com for example answers to this: 'We are here on earth to honor God, to know God, and to share the benefits of this experience with others while on earth so we can ultimately spend eternity in a ...'

The two questions presented here are actually used as rhetorics in the speech (based on stadard phrases).
I don't know what the speech is about ... so I cannot comment it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 06:29 am
The evidence is clear in the horseshit claims that you make, such as your confused propaganda about atheists and about the big bang. Not a bit of it hangs together in a coherent manner. How you assess your alleged reasoning abilities is a matter of indifference to me.
Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 07:05 am
Set, I proposed you peace.
As you obviously didn't take advantage of the offer (I cannot say why - maybe you don't know the meaning of the word ... or it may be something else), instead of commenting which is bullshit and which is horseshit, why don't you tell us, the simple mortals, what is your great understanding of the big bang ... and how it works without hitches? ... and (on the theme) what is your conception for the purpose of life (... forasmuch as your puprose on the blogs is transparent ... beyond any doubt).

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