MacrOScopicaL wrote:I believe that in this day in age people not only don't want to be broke, but they are truly in fear of the lack of money. And to overcome that fear they feel as though they need an abundance of it.
We are not talking about aged people having enough money to live. The story is about the people that have a lot of money (more than they can ever spend throughout their lifetime, even if wasting it) ... and are destroying everything on their way:
1. In order to keep on making more and more of it in the first place, and
2. When spending it (as a result of their 'free will', knowing no constraints)
Quote:... that don't know what to do with their money.
Most of the people that have acquired a lot of money all of a sudden (lotto or inheritance) don't know what to do with it (besides spending it as fast as they can ... in the most foolish and non-viable way).
In the general case money is the technical feasibility to achieve one's goals in life (if one has ever had any reasonable such).
Quote:But unless they're humble enough to donate it to charity
I am not sure that donation to charity makes any sense at all.
Money is a measure of value. It measures the things (goods and services) that one gives to society and the things (goods and services) that one can receive in exchange for his efforts and hard working, implementation of knowledge and skills in benefit to society, etc.
Any donations only mess up the equation to infinity and intorduce chaos and contradictions in the public relations.
To give money to the poor with an assignment to clean up the town channel or to fix the city garden is one thing, and to give money to whosoever, just so, against nothing, could hardly be called any reasonable way of spending it. Most of the people work for their money ... but there are some people receiving it on some charity schemes.
Besides that most of the poor do not have any purpose in life - what will be the benefits to the society if one gives to them money ... in order to be able to live without working & without putting any efforts in life. It doesn't make any sense,
... not to say that most of the donations sink into the pockets of the church board and never reach any poor or non-poor seculars.
Quote:Most people today believe in money as if it is their god ONLY for the hope that one day enough will come to them so that there's never a shortage of it.
This is not exactly so. The casino investors at the stock exchange hardly believe in any money ... just so, to have always enough of it. They simply cannot stop misusing with the system ... and with their history positions on the market. Their purpose in life is to collect all the money of the world ... and to do with it whatever they like (no mater whether this is destroying the planet the day after tomorrow or today) ... & to buy eventually indulgences before God (when and if they need such).
Quote:No, people can't believe in money and believe in God.
This is not so certain, for most of the priests do ... not to speak about the lecturers preaching any teachings of any kind on the stadium only for money ... and for nothing else.
Just look at the houses of some, look at the flashes in their eyes when they are reading the list of donations on the TV.
Does this seem believing in God and non-believing in money? I wonder!