Taking down the Christmas Tree and decorations .... yeah sure, I'm a bah humbug person, and I love seeing all the extra room I have without all that paraphernalia:)
And............Rae's wonderful son hooked up our new headlights to our bicycles!
I can't really say what made me smile today, exactly. But, smile I did. A lot.
thinking of littlek and Hatch's chili's makes me smile
Hatch's Chilis make me smile. Man, I really do miss the SW.
Want me to send you a bag when they show up? Might have to roast them yourself. Don't know if roasted chilies ship that well. Or maybe I could track down a riastra?
realjohnboy waiting to hear about sozlet's Christmas made me smile big time.
Can't think of anything beyond the expected just now, though (she was thrilled to pieces to get so many wonderful presents and by the general concept and ESPECIALLY by the fact that Santa's visit was proven by the fact that he ATE the cookies and DRANK the milk!!!), but it was fun.
today I was looking at my Christmas Baby who just turned 13 and realized that
A: He's bigger than I am
B: I'll never have another baby boy cub.
It made me smile, but it was bittersweet.
Roger - no thanks, I can get them here, believe it or not. I can get fresh, dried, or canned. Roasting is a problem, I don't have a huge metal-grated barrel to turn'm in. I could use the gas-stove flame, but it just isn't the same.
Yup - nonsequitur.
laughin'--another then, nimh:
Trouble in mind I'm blue,
But I won't be blue always.
Cause the sun's gonna shine
In my back door some day.
Won't sing the rest of it--too morbid.
My sister and I use to sing these two songs together, and they fit perfectly:
Love O Love or careless love and Have I stayed away too long.
ahhhhh. a smile of remembrance.
Two smiles today:
#1--Customer comes in and tells me that she returned a $25 item yesterday but the salesperson only gave her $15. I'm thinking "yeah, right," but I check with the cash office to find out whether that register was off last night at closing. Turns out the register was over $9.98. So I gave the customer her $10 and a huge smile. (What are the odds?) She told me, "I didn't think anyone would believe me." I replied, "I didn't, but it never hurts to check, does it?"
#2--Patriots beat the Bills 31-0.
"Trouble in mind" is good <nods>. And morbid songs can be quite comforting.
Meanwhile - (talking morbid) - what do you say when the son you just buried is on the phone?
Why, what else -
Quote:"Huh. Well, damn boy. We just had your funeral today," his father said Monday, according to a transcript of the call provided Wednesday by the Oklahoma Corrections Department.
Son calls stunned parents after his funeral
It snowed today. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! It snowed, and I saw it.
Not so unusual is it, roger?
No way Roger, in New Mexico? OMG!!!!
I walked into a Spanish wine store to buy some bottles of cava and found myself in the middle of a big "cava tasting" session.
I tasted some cava and ate some very fine ham.
That made me smile.
I'm off for the next two days.
New smile! New smile! Because I check out patriots.com news every day:
It's about time they got some props from the national press!
my mom freaking out about me going to the mall with zach cuz she didnt know him... its nice to know they care

so it made me >smile<