after one day of learning and struggling with tension, I now have approximately one inch :-)
Jeez, looks like you are not getting mails abt penile enlargement
LOL. . . well, I haven't checked my yahoo account lately. . . there's always that chance. . . :-)
I tried knitting once - you're right it IS good therapy. I was no longer stressed at my bf after I chased him around the kitchen with my knitting needle! Carry on ....
I find knitting very therapeutic. However, two small dogs who sometimes think they're cats are NOT conducive to easy knitting.
My scarf is now one and a half by six inches small. :-)
I was smiling brightly this morning, but when I realized I was doing a smile faded away because I'm thinking it might go late... boo hoo hoo.. I've begun to smile again however, because I'm a generally SMILISH person :-)
Princess.....good luck on your scarf
Just a tiny thing ... I mean, OK, there's usually rules about who gets to laugh at whom in society, right? And I usually dont like 'em. So when I came walking out of an alley, and there were two fraternity students jovially doing their stuff there in full dress suit, tails and all, and a group of Moroccan girls in headscarves walked past, and one of those girls unexpectedly shrieked out something along the lines of "Oh Jesus look at how you look! You look like two clowns!", I must admit I couldnt help LOL ...
My youngest son got off the bus and couldn't wait to show me he was loosing his first tooth...wanted it out now, cause he wants some money!
Thanksgiving is next week! :-)
Thanks, onyxelle :-) 3 by 6 inches now! a proper Barbie garment!
Went to Canadian Tire to get some snow tires.
The fella who was helping me went to check if they had the right size in stock. He stopped to talk to a co-worker and said 'see that girl over there?' and pointed in my general direction. I looked around to see 'the girl'. He laughed, and said 'i mean you'. He's about 25. I laughed then, and I'm still smiling now. A nice change from ma'am.
Heeven wrote:I tried knitting once - you're right it IS good therapy. I was no longer stressed at my bf after I chased him around the kitchen with my knitting needle! Carry on ....
Oh, I wish I could remember. The 3 y.o. I care for is a little parrot and sometimes her repeats go astray. Like when I said 'primary colors' and she said 'private nary colors'. Today's was almost as good, but I can't recall what it was.

my little girl of 3 made me smile singing away in a manger she is doing it for her christmas nativity i cant wait she has practised so hard but hey she always makes me smile . oh and do ya have to mention snow us poor old English have not seen proper flutter for about 3 years sob x x x :wink:
The sun came out today after umpteen days of rain and sludge and wind. . . yippie!
Yeah well if you're lookin' for snow, come on over to Boston - we get dumped for months every year!
If you think it's that bad in Boston, you should see the snow we get in New Brunswick ;-) When the snow starts here I knit, knit, and knit and when I'm done knitting, I knit!

Boston a bit far for this English Lady *smile*but would love a little flutter just for the kids of coarse lol .
When they tore down that mock statue of Mr. Bush today in London...I got a chuckle from that.
eoe wrote:When they tore down that mock statue of Mr. Bush today in London...I got a chuckle from that.
Just picturing that made me smile :-D