Ok, hihpster had trouble sleeping, we were phoning, and he was asking about a2k. . . mostly technical stuff that I have NO clue about anyway. . . and I told him about avatars.
"Oh, yeah, that's pretty standard" <total nonchalance> "So. . ." <sneakily> "What's yours?"
"The graduation picture of laughing due to car torture"
"Oh." <pause> "Why did you pick THAT one?"
"It's the only one I had scanned. . . what's wrong with that picture?" <slightly peeved>
"Well, urr. . . I dunno." <pause> "You have Farrah Fawcett hair in that picture."
"I have WHAT?! How on earth do you know what Farrah Fawcett hair is?!"
Where he gets this stuff, I'll never know. . .
Waking up beside my bride on our 53rd wedding anniversary
I'll second that. That's quite an admirable accomplisment.
Happy anniversary au...wow, yep, that made me smile too.
Thank you one and all. Your thoughs have given me another reason to smile.
Congratulations, au. Now that is truly something to smile about, you're a lucky man.
So, give us some words of wisdom, au. How did you make it to 53 years? (listening attentively...)
What does that song say."love will keep us together"
The answer is learn an understand that there are two sides to every question.
au 53 years !!! Congrats to you and yr better half mate !!!
And I thought the secret for a long marriage was that the husband only uttered the three magic words all the time.......
.........you're right dear !!!
happy anni au...............it excites me (long marriages) and gives me something to look forward to.
My Learn to Knit kit just came! Yeaaaa!
This is typical me. . . it's freezing, and I need a scarf. "I think I'll make one."
Wish me luck :-)
Good luck..I tried that once...gramma started it and I just kept on knitting away. It ended up like 6 ft long and wide/thin/wide/thin...and not in any interesting way either.
I never knitted again after that from what I can recall. You'll do better, Im sure.
Did you get some of that funky yarn for it? I was actually looking at that stuff the other day going..yeah, I could try that again..and the childhood horror came back and I figured itd be better for my piece of mind if I just went out and bought one.
Congrats au..and blessings for many more years to come
Congratulations to you and your wife, au! Wow.
P'Ash - I know so many people who are learning to knit. I want to as well! When you learn will you teach me? Hehehe.
Congratulations to au and mrs. au!
A wonderful achievement!
Congratulations, Au. (I'm late, sorry.) You were married in 1950, eh? That's the year I was born. I always thought it was a particularly good year and still do. Why did you get married in November? There must have been a special reason.
Geez, fifty-three years? Such a long time... your wife must have a heart of gold. <smiles>
Princess -- you're going to make a scarf because you're cold? LOL That's funny! Better hurry. This
place offers a free pattern, I'm no knitter but I sure like knitted things. Good luck!
We'll see. . . I've completed the introductory material. . . it's not that hard! takes a little bit of, hmm. . . grit :-)
Soon I start the actual project. . . <ominous music>
And I forgot to congratulate au on what is, especially these days, a momentous achievement ;-) Hope you enjoyed your day, and wish you may more years of happiness. . .
Congrats au :-)
I love to knit. It's fun and is good therapy :-)