the sozlet obviously hasn't heard about possession being 9/10th's ... or maybe she has?
One man's trash. . . when my brother was younger, he was very attached to his boogers, actually. He wasn't a nose-picker, but he was vehemently anti-nose-blowing. Didn't want to lose them, I suppose. . .
I smiled today when Court was over - yippee
court. i'm a court clerk (no, not a stenographer) so when the Judge says "we'll be in recess until 9:00 tomorrow" I'm very very happy...although the smile is a bit diminished when I get to my desk and see the trial minutes that I've got to type up still.....
Nothing much.
Well, there was this article in the paper that was kinda funny, in an understated way. It reported on a court case. Three Hell's Angels, from Belgium, were accused of beating up the claimant one weekend in Amsterdam.
It started with the judge deadpanning, "The Hell's Angels are, I understand, a motorcyclists' club?", then asking the defendants whether they wouldnt regret it if their behavior gave their "club" a bad name. They dutifully nodded.
The Angels, in fact, behaved like actual angels throughout the case. Each was a family man, and in sequence complained about how they missed their children (having been 10 days in pre-arrest). They were needed at home! (My wife is a doctors' assistant, she makes house calls, I take care of our five-year old son).
Then there was the claimant's demand for financial compensation. He had drafted a list. His cellphone had been broken - 100 euros. MP3-player - 150 euros. Torn jacket - et cetera. Bag of weed - 5 euros.
"Weed?", asked a Walloon Hell's Angel in surprise. "As in, drugs-weed?" It is a bit odd, the judge admitted, before proceeding with the case.
The Hells Angels were sentenced to two more weeks in prison - the claimant did not get accorded his damages. <grins>
Reading onyxelle's "Court" with a capital C and then finding out what she REALLY meant made me smile :-)
Soz, That reminds me of an old piece of sage advice: "You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."
<cackling way out LOUD>
thanks, swimpy, i needed that laugh
Why am I not surprised that Beth cackles? Or is that Eudora? :-) Oh, look, there's a smile. . .
princessash....didja think that MAYBE i'd gone to court and been found not guilty? been absolved of some heinous criminal activity? NOPE....but I see it happen alllll the time. dirty Bastards...
Hehe. . . I just pondered the way you said "Court," as many of my "acquaintances" have said, in hushed and reverent tones, when going to deal with something they'd gotten themselves involved in, "Dude, sorry, I have to go to. . . Court". . .
<du duh duuuuuuuuuuuuuuh>
Well, I never said I had to go WITH them, did I?
hrmph. . . I'm offended.
Like I would ever wind up in court. . . pff.
Not THAT kind of court, anyway. Royally offended. Hrmph.
don't be......if our governor's offspring can end up in court.....the possibilities are endless...but, I kow not you....NEVER you :-)
just back from walking the dogs.
came back smiling, as i'd had a sudden memory of sunday mornings about a two years ago.
talking to setanta and then chatting with neo, while he studied and i did laundry. then p'ash was back from her run, and neo was giddy!