Sat in the front yard, knitting and watching the world. Met the loveliest husky - Juneau. She came into my secret garden spot and plopped down on my foot. She laughed while her owner apologized. BeAutiful big goofy dog. Big smile .
Have a friend with three Malamutes , all I can say is they ned carful monitoring, training, and socialization.
They neeeed space and not square feet but acres (or hectares for our antipodal residents)
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Mon 14 Jun, 2021 09:44 am
I got the kayak out on the water for the first time this season.
It was sunny, warm, and peaceful.
I also found out where my paddling callouses used to be.
I did so once, more than 50 years ago, with a Klepper two person folding kayak.
Quite good that I'd undergone a naval emergency exercise a couple of weeks earlier, otherwise we'd stayed a lot more time in that halfway-Eskimo-roll-position.