my daughter made me smile today bigtime.
Silvi, the niece, and I had some good fun today. We went around taking photos of tree foliage. The only way I could get her to go along withthis plan was to tell her we could bring her Groovy Girls and photo them too. We are going to have some silly pix of some very silly dolls. That and she wanted to go swimming when we stopped at the lake to picnic. It was about 60ยบ today.
What made me smile today? Reading through this thread and...dying my hair purple
It is Halloween and my costume is almost ready for the party tonight.
tiny trick or treaters who have mastered either 'trick or treat' or 'thank you' but not both.
tooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet
Here I am smiling at the Garland, Tx Coffee Haus/internet cafe. Dressed as Dorothy form Oz which is not to far from the truth!!!!!
But smiling never-the-less as the ruby slippers turned out to be spectacular.
Smiling at JD's spectacular ruby slippers.
Tiny trick-or-treaters are great. We had a local event, outdoors, and tiny t-o-t's who'd had WAY too much sugar started a game of tag in a field/ square in the middle of it all. Witches, princesses, and Goldilocks (long blonde wig flying) galloping around and shrieking.
Also Goldilocks meeting other Goldilockses. "I'm Goldilocks. What's your name?" "My name is Goldilocks." (I didn't think there would be others, but we met two.)
Took some too-cute pics which ehBeth has gotta see. (Well, they haven't been developed yet, they could be a bust.)
oooh, pix of tiny tots partaking in my favorite holiday! Will you be sharing with the general public, Soz, or just with ehbeth?

"What are you girls?

flamenco dancers.
was the unisono answer of the two not-too-slim and not-too-happy girls wrapped tightly in shiny clothing with frills.
It was abit sad. Did it make you smile somehow?
I smiled a lot while tricking and treating around harvard square with Dagmaraka (glad to see you made it home!).
AM home alright, despite the spiced cider and a beer or two. yeah, the girls were a bit sad, but the other kids were cute. the girls stuck out in my brain though.
littlek made a handsome pirate though, the college kids were shocked and awed.
handsome. See! I told you I looked like a guy....
And Dagmaraka was a concept - she was BOO. I have always wanted to do a concept halloween costume, but never have figured one out.
Ok, off to lalaland for me. zzz....
Yeah, kick the cripple! i mean, take the foreigner's words literally! i meant a beautiful piratess, if there's such a thing.
off to bed
the verra idea of littlek being mistaken for a guy is tooooooooo smile-inducing!
my dogs telling me there's havarti on the counter in the kitchen is also making me smile. they seem to think i've forgotten it - and them. I haven't.
Reading the Times in Polmans (what is it with British 'quality' newspapers and a near-total absence of foreign news?) and ending up at the Letters to the Editor page ...
Brits have something with the Letters to the Editor page that no other nation has, I believe. In a paper like the Times, they will sign their letters with a salute in the vein of, "Honored to be, Sir, Yours sincerely," and, as in other papers, will take the effort to address such a salutation just to suggest whimsical or flippant one-liners, such as - paraphrasing a letter from "Professor Sir Micheal Howard" - "Should the Conservative party really decide to elect Michael Howard as its new leader, I wish the party success, but would like to note that it will cause some of us acute identity crises."
Every day again, half a dozen witticisms - some even quite funny - one cant help but wonder how many Brits actually do spend half an hour of their Sunday morning taking up the pen with a gleeful grin at their own pun? :-)
Nimh's post brought a big smile to my face.
Fred the parrot always makes me smile. He constantly says, "Hi Fred, hi Fred, hi Fred," talking like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man.
He likes to groom himself on my shoulder and then be petted. When he's petted, he actually purrs. I've never heard a bird purr before, but Fred sort of falls into a trance and gets a low little purr in his throat while being stroked.
He has a nonstop personality.
I played a board game with my niece today and she actually followed the rules! Me and my brother both got on her case about doing whatever she felt like while playing. She won anyway.
I got a birthday surprise today at rehearsals.
That made me smile.
It's raining today so Bailey doesn't want to go out for a walk. So he and Cleo are now in their foul weather gear, I'm going to put on a hat, and we're going.
His little resigned face while being put into his doggie fall jacket (his christmas gift from Setanta) made me smile because I know he'll enjoy the walk once he realizes he's not getting wet.