Person in front of me at the drive through at Starbucks paid for my coffe.
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Sat 4 Mar, 2017 04:12 pm
Beautiful day in Albuquerque, gorgeous sky, pleasant temperature..
I went grocery shopping with a2k pal Diane. Somehow we always have grocery store fun when we shop together*, and besides, it saves gas. Now to put my haul of groceries away and make a ricotta and greens and olive oil crust torta..
*no, we don't follow each other, but we tend to get to the clerks' area around the same time, with carts of almost completely different items.
My mate Cookie's funeral, not a religious ceremony, plenty of rock and roll, and the place was packed out. Lots of anecdotes about a real lovable rogue, and this nearly famous Southampton band. RIP Cookie.
My hair was particularly lumpy today. To the point that Set, whose vision is not terrific, noticed - and commented.
Just put on some sleek n shine and he brushed the back down for me.
Whatta guy
(now they better take my pic at the doc film thing I'm going to )
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Mon 6 Mar, 2017 03:52 pm
What makes me smile is djjd starting a digression thread..
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Fri 10 Mar, 2017 04:11 pm
Back home from this week's grocery shopping with Diane, I poured a glass of Cabernet and dove into The Guardian's restaurant critic's articles about restaurants in England. The writer is Marina O'Loughlin.. I've read her stuff for a bunch of years now, even though I've never been to England. I find her comfortably casual as a writer at the same time I learn a lot. If I ever get over there...
Just now I've been reading about Paco Tapas in Bristol...
mmm, tapas. I haven't tasted tapas since my days in northern California.
This writeup about the author's 104 year old gramma - I enjoyed it a lot. Gramma eventually commented slightly about Trump, which also made me smile, but that's not the main thrust of the writing.