@cicerone imposter,
Laughs. I remember Gilroy. I've told this before on a2k, but, hey. I think back then, in the early 2000's, across the street from the main purveying shop for garlic products there were both a small old type cafe where I ate, this being on a trip to LA, and a large antique store with only one person in it, an elderly guy with a humongous white cat in his lap. I asked him if I could take his photo. Yes. Later, I used the photo as a painting trigger, still have and like the painting. The painting is 30 x 40. The cat takes up a good dollop of the canvas space. I suppose I should take a photo of the painting too, for posterity. Still have the photos of the guy and cat with the quite dark room background.
I wonder if that store is still there. I know I didn't think (duh!) to send the man a copy of the photos, much less photos of the of the painting, which would have been quite a while later. The fellow is even older now, if alive, sigh.