Re one of the grocery store clerks I like. I know one of the clerks by name (not this one) and one of the baggers by name and the manager to wave to (after our discussion about malt syrups for baking (2 kinds, none at the market, he remembers me, plus seeing me for years) but also some product placers (got the guy in the milk aisle to smile, that took me a few years). I "know" a lot of them, the store does keep it's workers and they don't seem harried, quite the opposite. It's all a kind of community between some workers and customers though not quite, of course. A couple of years ago a clerk in the booze/beer/lottery department told me she just found out her mother had breast cancer, and we talked, and then a bit off an on over months. But mostly, with all of this over time, nods and hi's.
Anyway, today's check out lady (it's a race for saying 'how are you today', and then all right and okay) asked me at the end if I wanted to donate a dollar for muscular dystrophy. I had to ask her to repeat as I couldn't quite hear, my ears or her lower voice. I said yes, though I tend to not do this as I live spare, plus doubt the money distribution. But, a dollar, ok. She looked like she would start to tear when I said yes. I have a presentiment it might be someone in her family that got her and the store asking.
Maybe not, maybe just an illusion - but they've never asked before.
I know, he's a constant source of amazement George.
Actually, he was the one who bought 2 of them from a garage sale. He liked how he could get a lot more food on them without slopping over the sides. Those are his personal quiche plates. I didn't realize there was some type of protocol.
Last year, I met people I hadn't seen for over 60 years; one in Elk Grove and the other in Honolulu. None of those two guys looked like the teenagers I knew.
trying to be courageous while telling Uncle Dave what happened
0 Replies
Sun 17 Aug, 2014 08:38 am
I evidently got into a heated debate with a girl from SC on facebook, no doubt some political or religious statement she took offense at. Anyway, I was having my coffee this am and came across this highly literate message in my "other" inbox. I may be laughing for weeks, possibly months, much less smiling.
what ya pissin ppl off fir y don't u come down to sc n Piss my home girl off again and ill make sure my paralyzed ass Will put a nice big 40oz bottle shoved up yr ass
0 Replies
Region Philbis
Fri 22 Aug, 2014 08:37 am
there was dawg p00p on the bus this morning.
right near the fare box.
not sure if the driver was aware of it -- how could he not be? -- but saw me look down
as i got on, and warned the rest of the passengers to watch their step as they got on.
every person who got on after me had a silly grin on their face...
My new concealment holster arrived today for my .44 caliber Taurus Revolver.
Florida law requires that personal defense guns be concealed.
Its more comfortable than the one I was using.
My receipt for admission to the Friends of NRA Banquet Dinner of Sept. 19th
also arrived: a good chance to make new Florida friends. I 'll be happy in my new holster.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Aug, 2014 04:56 pm
My cat mint is blooming..
My catmint is in a pot in the alcove to the door, so it doesn't get immolated by the New Mexico sun, except for a few early hours. I had a larger one survive closer to direct sun, but that one kicked the bucket after a few years.