Speaking of spirits, JL, for the first time in a looooonnnnggggg time, I just had a screw driver.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Jun, 2010 05:31 pm
Wow, George! Hermione getting married. Nigel and Rhys graduating. A summer of joy.
Rhys, by the way, is playing Fantasy Baseball. I am matched with him this week and I am losing badly.
Next week I play the old man.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Jun, 2010 05:38 pm
Hooray to Rhys!
I am smiling because I have a piece of aged Monforte goat cheese and there is no one else in the house right now.
Monforte, you are mine!
0 Replies
Fri 18 Jun, 2010 07:37 pm
ooooh cheese....
Today was the last day of finals for the kids at school. My job is done except for the physical act of packing. <phew>. A bunch of us adults went to lunch at a nearby restaurant. I guffawed for the first time in I don't even know how long.
My smile yesterday -- the kid both was on the championship team in b-ball camp and got the game ball in her softball team's first win. (Same day.) Woo!
We spoke with the Program Director and it seems there is a contract job
opening up that looks perfect for Rhys. Here's hoping!
There were refreshments after and as I was getting some coffee, I was
chatting with a lady who asked me "What happened to your boy?" A bit
taken aback, I asked her what she meant.
"My boy was shot in the head," she explained.
I stammered and stuttered that Rhys had had issues from birth and that I
sorry to hear that about her son. Wow. I sure hope they find a job for
her boy.
Yes, the eyes of dogs can make one feel so sad, and the way they romp joyfully can have the opposite effect. They are a joy. More than man's "best friend" they are our "best delight."
0 Replies
Sun 20 Jun, 2010 03:41 pm
Indeed.... I'm glad I have them in my life even if I don't have one in my home.