I just finished my second day at my new job -- a real one, beyond just subsistance -- and it was nice. Seems like it's going to be a great situation with great opportunities, makes my apres-work ale taste sooo refreshing, feels good to finally be productive again. (sigh of relief)
Just now at the coffee machine - I was standing infront of it chatting to someone when a middle aged lady walked upto it who wanted a coffee. She said to me "excuse me young man" !!
At 32 - if someone still calls you young man - enuff to make you smile for the whole day !
Yay LibertyD!
Gautam, I know just what you mean. (32 as well.)
I've got five years on both of you.....and it still happens and makes me smile.
That's when I ask" Who are you talkin' too?"... with a big grin on my face! :-))
Think it makes you smile at 32? Try 48! The old gentleman at the music store called me that. I almost kissed him.
Had to buy a piano for my son, who is starting lessons next week. They just delivered it!!! (BIG smile!)
All three of my kids were at the breakfast table this morning on time.
Unemployment benefits have been granted for at least another eight weeks. Whew.
Guatum said: At 32 - if someone still calls you young man - enuff to make you smile for the whole day ![/quote]
I'm 51, and when someone calls me young lady, I laugh at them, of course it is all in perspective, isn't it?
It certainly is Petunia, so enjoy it while you're young:)
It's funny, how you react to something like being called "young" or, even bettter, being carded, (

)after reaching a certain age. I share your joy, Gautam!
Eva, a piano! Cool!
I wish I had had access to a piano when I was a kid. My parents were very "practical" folks, one generation away from being immigrants, who came of age during the Depression. Even though they prospered they were still disinclined to spend for "luxuries" such as music lessons.
One of my employees is in a band that tours for about 3 months a year in the US and Canada. I'm amazed at how many young people today (despite the school cutbacks in arts' education) play an instrument.
What made me smile today was this vignette:
a tractor-trailer driver from NY, attempting to make a delivery to a furniture store across the street from me here in VA, got hopelessly hung up in the parking lot behind my store while trying to turn around--unable to go forward, unable to go back.
Three police cars showed up. The senior policeman was a fifty-something black man; next was a thirty-something black woman, and the rookie was a much younger white guy.
The truck-driver had a decidedly NY accent and was black. And she was a woman.
Until today I had never met a lady truck driver (unless she was with a male partner) and certainly not a black lady trucker.
It took about a half-hour to devise and execute a plan to extricate her from the lot (more than several sidewalk-superintendents, including me) offered advice. Some people, trying to leave the lot, were delayed.
What struck me was the amount of good natured bantering going on amongst the players (the trucker, the cops, the passersby, the inconvenienced drivers). Perhaps it was because of the absurd situation the trucker had gotten into, or maybe it was because she was a black, female trucker.
Or, in this, my only reference to 9/11, maybe some people tried harder to be gentle today.
Yeah, LibertyD, it is COOL! (Son's words) We got a digital one. They are less money, plus they never need tuning ($300 or more to tune a piano these days?...whew!) Also, you don't have to worry so much about where you put them (drafts, moisture, temperature changes, etc.) Best of all, they have lots of buttons to play with & sound effects to try out...great for kids that have been raised with electronics. I would have been intimidated by such stuff when I was his age, but it actually makes the piano more accessible to kids these days. He is anxious to start lessons next week. Perhaps you could bring your nephew by the house some day while my son is in school, and he could play with it a little? See what he thinks?
Had a craving for some kettle chips.....went to the store and passed a display of batteries ~ no big deal except for the sign underneath the four-pack of AA batteries that said 'two for $5' ~ my digital camera uses AA's and uses them quickly, so I stock up when they're on sale.
Get to the register, the cashier tells me how much and I hand over the money.....but in the back of my head I'm thinking 'that came to more than I thought it would'. Since I was the only one in line (or in the store it seemed), I checked out the receipt and saw that I'd been charged $3.99 for each pack of batteries. Told the cashier and she proceeded to flip through the weekly sales flier, walked over to the battery display and brought back two more packages of the four-packs. The EIGHT-PACKS were on sale at two for $5! They didn't have any eight-packs left, so she improvised. And I got $3.16 back!
Doesn't take a whole lot to make me smile.
Finally met Mayette. She was as wonderful as people had always told me - and the banana-coconut fritters she made us as a treat? Diviiiiiiiiiiiiiine. She asked us to come back and bring friends and sing karaoke - and then she gave me a coupon for a free dinner for two.
heyyyyy, Setanta ......
Tonight I was in a kitchen with my neice and a few of her parents' friends. She came in with a carrot from the garden and asked me to help her wash it. As we were washing it her mom said, "make sure you wash it well." I said, before thinking, "yeah, that carrot grew in horse poop". Whoops.
Yeah, she got pretty upset.
Oh well! Poop happens ;-)