We went to a sort of a fair/festival this weekend, with lots of rides. Lots of sunbaked, snaggle-toothed carnies manning them. One was a sort of a ferris wheel, but scarier, with little cages that you could spin all the way around if you rocked enough, and a long oblong shape rather than a wheel, and that went very fast.
I was looking at it and thinking it looked rather old and rickety, when I noticed two policemen who had been standing by say "HEY!" and attempt to get the attention of the operator. He was sitting somewhere inside the contraption with his hand on a lever, ciggy dangling from the corner of his mouth, and basically ignored them for a while. They didn't like that, and kept getting closer and bigger in the cop way -- something with the shoulders, maybe they stand on tiptoes. He was supremely unimpressed, looking at them from under his bleached-blonde bangs. A big guy with a mullet and a walrus mustache, standard-issue carny shirt rolled up to show big arms, well-worn jeans, work boots. Bad "I've been smokin' my whole life and I don't give a ****" brown teeth apparent when he squints up at the ride above him.
So he kind of s-l-o-w-l-y deigns to rise as the police go toward him, bigger and threateninger and pointing urgently. Finally he, and everyone else who was standing around trying to figure out what was going on, notice what's up -- there are tendrils of smoke coming from one section of the ride.

This while it's in operation, kids screaming as they flip over and over.
He doesn't say a word, ciggy remains in place, but some apprentice carny suddenly sprints over to another ride operator, who stops the ride, leaves it in the care of the apprentice, and sprints back to the Ferris Wheel Gone Bad. He's also mulleted and mustachioed, a bit younger than the big guy. From somewhere -- the apprentice? inside the ride? -- a fire extinguisher appears. Jr. Mullet mans the ride -- which has stopped turning, everyone still inside it, the kids nonchalantly continuing to flip the cages over under their own power -- and Sr. Mullet climbs up a bit and unleashes the fire extinguisher, drenching Jr. Mullet below him, who comes out sputtering and brushing it off of his hair and clothes. Then Sr. climbs down again, and restarts the whole thing.
The police stand by, looking vaguely unsatisfied, but Sr. Mullet doesn't say anything to them, just lets the ride go for a while, then lets everyone off.