My best friend has a seven year old who is very autistic. She's now quite a few months into the professional therapy from the State. Her progress is frequently hilarious! For instance, they recently taught her the word "
then". Now if you've ever known an autistic kid, you know they want what they want, when they want it. This one loves to go swimming. So she regularly volunteers, "lets go swimming!". It makes very little difference what you respond, if it isn't
precisely, "no Cassie, we're not going swimming now", she'll respond to
whatever with, "Okay,
then swimming!
They have also taught her some manners which are equally hysterical when she argues with her daddy: "Okay now Cassie, it's time for bed"... "No thank you!... Juice?"... "No Cassie, its bedtime now"... "NO THANK YOU!" I'm pretty sure she's now completely unaware that you can use the word "no" without adding "thank you".
There is nothing sweeter than pure innocence.