Met one of my newest "old" friends for lunch -- that is, she's one of the first friends I made here in Columbus and I don't see her as often anymore. What made me smile is that we always run on the same schedule for some reason -- if one's on time, the other is, and if one is late, the other is too. More than once I've mentally prepared abject apologies for being late only to arrive and find she's not there yet, and have her come running in -- apologetically -- seconds later.
So today, we were both pretty much on time -- ~5 minutes after we said we'd try to meet -- but pulled up within seconds of each other, as usual. Made me smile.
I also "talked" with a friend in Columbus (by email).
He's a native New Yorker from Long Island and he's making plans to go to
Florida and take in a Mets spring training game. I told him that while in
Florida, he might also want to visit the Ringling Bros. Circus Museum --
but since he is going to watch the Mets, that would be redundant.
thinking of the previous evening
When I topped up the suet feeders before the storm, I added a bit of far-past-due-date Edam cheese. (After all, in the best British domestic novels people are always scattering crumbs of cheese for the local birds).
A woodpecker is testing the cheese--and obviously thinking deeply. He thinks he prefers suet, but on the other hand....
Word, through Karateka, about Ethelred.
Really nice to hear of her progress.
Really nice.
being happy made me smile.
"Results Based Employee Incentive Plan" payout.
Not as much as I would have liked, but it helps.
No cavities--and clean teeth.
A plethora of robins in my back yard and drinking from the pond. Unfortunately, when the golfers came out to play, all the robins flew away
Georgie, Porgie, pudding and pie.
I saw the first sign of spring.
A sparkling bright red 55 Eldorado convertible, out for a nice spin by the river...
Seeing the snow fly - it is gorgeous!
Sort of playing hooky...(is it really when nobody's expecting me at work today anyhow?)
And eBeth and NIMH sightings always make me smile.
Oh yeah, this thread time I should make a list first :wink:
How you doin, girl?
Hey George! I'm doing online for a new job.....I've had enough of the old one.....(love the job hate the politics)
How about you?
Same as ever, thanks. Welcome back.
My dad made me smile today. His email, that is.
He waited for my mom to be out of the house (she went to the mountains with my sister and nephew) and then he redid his room. He moved all the furniture out, threw out the rug, put down hardwood floor (he's 77!), painted the room, moved all the furniture back (he has thousands of books, all four walls are top to bottom books! well, he threw away over five hundred in the process) -- all before my mom came back. She nearly had a heart attack, told him he's a fool to be doing this alone, that she would have called in workers to do it.
He says the woman doesn't understand how much pleasure there is in 'do it yourself' manual project. I do. Makes me smile, my dad.
Goddess of Lemon Heads ... tart and tasty.