(every time I learn a new yoga pose, I think of TerrydoooStretch. Namaste)
dagmaraka wrote:My dad made me smile today. His email, that is.
He waited for my mom to be out of the house (she went to the mountains with my sister and nephew) and then he redid his room. He moved all the furniture out, threw out the rug, put down hardwood floor (he's 77!), painted the room, moved all the furniture back (he has thousands of books, all four walls are top to bottom books! well, he threw away over five hundred in the process) -- all before my mom came back. She nearly had a heart attack, told him he's a fool to be doing this alone, that she would have called in workers to do it.
He says the woman doesn't understand how much pleasure there is in 'do it yourself' manual project. I do. Makes me smile, my dad.
Wow! He must have been moving like a madman!
Getting my Prince tickets!
I'm starting to schedule things for the summer. (Yes, already! One of sozlet's friends' mom contacted me about signing the girls up for something together and I realized that deadlines are passing right and left... summer seems so far away though.)
Anyway, I went to the website for a camp that sozlet went to last year, and enjoyed. And there she was! Big picture of her on their website.
Got my supplies today for my new side job/independent contracting work. Great income potential...
What kind of contracting, Slaps?
I just agreed to do some contracting for a friend's start-up.
George wrote:What kind of contracting, Slaps?
I just agreed to do some contracting for a friend's start-up.
Well, I'll be an independent contractor, meaning 1099...rep for an automotive extended warranty company. Semi-similiar to what I'm doing now for my employer, but this is all hunting new business/straight commission. And has the potential to be very lucrative.
Well, good luck to you.
I have no idea how you would hunt down customers.
I've spent most of the day watching Tina Turner stuff on you tube.
George wrote:Well, good luck to you.
I have no idea how you would hunt down customers.
His years of stalking are finally paying off!
I hunt them using a shotgun.
So, you finally got married. Congrats
A woman passed a little garden walking towards Harvard Square. Suddenly she stopped, turned sharply around to face the garden, gasped, clasped her hands, and broke into the biggest grin seeing the first crocuses and snow drops and such... I couldn't help but grin too.
my doggy made me smile, the big dumbass.
Getting a call out of the blue from an old friend that I hadn't talked to in awhile. And finding out that he's still just as sweet as he was back then.
Was nice to find out how he's doing.
I saw a robin in my back yard. He seemed to be finding worms.
Cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and other vitals are normal
Noddy24 wrote:I saw a robin in my back yard. He seemed to be finding worms.
He had lost some of his worms, then?
and, I didn't have them worms either!