Rolling over in bed this morning...pulling my cuddle pillow in real close to me and smiling cuz I knew I didn't have to get up.
Then I hear a noise.

So I lay there and listen. Didn't hear it again but I wanted to check it out anyhow. So I crawled out of bed. Grabbed my robe and walked to my window.
Peekin' through my curtains.......Took awhile but I see it! There it was, up in the tree. A robin! First sign of spring for me! Yay! Springs around the corner. Never mind there's snow on the ground!
AND ....the sun is shining today. A rare occurrence in Ohio in Feb., especially. So, to celebrate I went for a jog. (3 miles) Not a big jog. But it's soooo much better than the treadmill.

I feel great! Happy Happy Day! Yay me!

(ok so I amuse easily. What can I say)
PS- Now if I could just get somebody to clean my house and do my laundry.