CalamityJane wrote: the boys standing in one corner talking and the girls in another corner giggling and eyeing the boys in great anticipation -
but nothing ever happened. The boys were too shy to ask us for a dance, and in the end we danced with the other girls.
As I entered Jane's school to pick her up, there they were: boys
on one side of the room, and the girls giggling on the other side.
Some things never change.

Ah, yes, I remember it well from nearly a half century ago. But as I recall, we were not 12, but more like 14 or 15. The girls over in their corner seeming to have a good time. The boys somewhat morosely in their corner, with, as often as not, coats and ties on. Do yall remember coats and ties on teenage boys?
I was all of 5'4" then. I sprouted to 6'1" a couple of years later. Shy.
So the boys stood over there in the corner, trying to look disinterested at the girls in the other corner trying to look equally disinterested.
Amusingly, we would eventually toss out Gene A. to break the ice. He became the QB on the high school football team that started a 50 game winning streak, went on to QB at UVA, and served as a helicopter pilot in VN. But when he was 14, crossing that floor to ask a girl to dance: he was a brave, a very brave lad.