Trying to get some things done that I just never seem to have time to get done.....before classes start up again tomorrow.
Anyhow....ran across a picture of me with a girl on the cheerleading squad. She tried for 3 years (7,8,9th grades) to get on the squad and she kept getting rejected.
Sad as it is......(and why I even hate to admit I ever was a cheerleader sometimes), she just didn't fit the mold. Which was so stupid IMO. But I was a kid, like her, and not like I had much pull. She had something wrong with her teeth and when she smiled you couldn't help but be drawn to it. The clicks made fun of her. And I kept thinking....if she could become cheerleader, maybe all the teasing would stop?
She had a small build and was very limber. End of 9th grade I became captain and when tryouts began for our Sophomore year, I had a lot to say about who made it and who didn't. That was the year we gave her a position. She held it all the way through school.
We both went our seperate ways (different colleges) and I guess when I saw her picture today, I had to smile because......I just know that no matter where she is today....she's doing awesome! She had the guts to keep getting back up when a bunch of stuck up kids pushed her down. And in my book......she was more of a person than any of those girls ever were or probably ever will be.