I went grocery shopping early this morning like I usually do on Saturday. I had a coupon for free bananas (2 lbs worth) if I purchased three General Mills products. When I went throught the check out, there was an unusually chatty male (not that it matters) checker who felt the need to comment on my every purchase..."Oh these are really good!...You are a berry person, aren't you?...He: What is this? Me: ginger He: Oh, that's what I thought!" Bordered on annoying, but I was in a good mood so I indulged him.
When I gave him the coupon, he was stumped as to how to handle it. Me: Well, the bananas were 68 cents a pound. Two pounds would be $1.36, right? He: No, the computer is asking me something else. Me: The coupon is for two free pounds of bananas. He: I see what your saying, but the computer is asking for something else. Me: OK fine.
I assumed I would get no free bananas, but it turned out I got $2.33 off. I knew it wasn't right. I told him it wasn't right. My conscience is clear and I have more money in my posket. Makes up for that $10 butternut squash I bought (
