Awwww, happy dogs, happy bossman.
What made me smile and laugh was Goodfielder making a good, thigh-slapping joke in my "Man flees police in a stolen riding lawn mower" thread
Veeerrry cute, ebeth. Nice to see the sweet pooches and Set
Angelique, at 55, i'm not far behind Mr. Santos . . . and i was only joking, age is not something about which i get exercised.
JBB, you are very kind as always. That's Miss Cleo in the center picutre. She had a wonderful day. She ran out to the end of the leash ahead of us all, where she can pretend that she's striking out all alone into the unknown. She headed for the untrodden snow among the grasses and reeds at the lake shore--she was adventure girl that day, and she definitely is adorable.
No dice Soz and LTX, that just ainta gonna happen . . .
My thanks to Lil Kay and Wayfarer too, you both can see what a wonderful day it was for small doggies . . . and he to whom the Girl refers as The Big Dog . . .
I love The Big Dog's new avatar!
There he is in all his glory--the big, cuddly bear of a man, with the woman he loves and the dogs he adores. No wonder he has that big, sweet smile. All the pics make me smile. Your day sounds like heaven. Thanks for sharing.
oh, i'm silly, and that made me smile. i hadnt seen my friend 'susannah' since we went to vienna on thursday - had sent her an sms on fri evening, but she was working then, and decided to leave be for a sec after that. mostly cause i seem to keep getting into trouble ever so often (last time not long ago) with being too much into someone's space - hey, if i like somebody, i like seeing somebody, or being nice! but when you're too enthusiastic, even if you dont mean anything with it, modern people get taken aback, duck.
so, i let a day or two fall, and today she calls, would you like to meet up? sure, we meet up; i say i was glad she called, she's all, playful-indignant, oh yeah, i would have been glad if you'd called too! friday, saturday, sunday ... you never called!
<giggles> sweet.
instead, on saturday night i'd met up with cs, and we ended up drinking cocktails in this cute place, and swapping ever more risque stories. damn! whoodathought, such a nice girl! we live in great times, i'm telling you.
missed a great concert tho, badmarsh & shri, which we were supposed to go see, they were brilliant apparently.
today, before meeting susannah tonight at least, was all grimacing and gritting tho. grumpy & cranky stuff. so all the better there was this. <nods, smiles>
good news about money and my flat
Oooh ya gotta love this region. Admittedly, the weather's gotten distinctly too cold for the swooping cleavages that were all the rage this summer, but without a blink the women (well, a lot of the pretty ones anyway) have switched to skirts above high boots instead.
Hungary's great; Croatia's better. At the press conference this afternoon there were at least four beautiful women with, literally, sleek knee-high leather boots under skirts ... succesful, intelligent women, but feminine of the kind that dutch women brush off as "gedoe". Brilliant.
I feel for them, tho, cause the Croatian men look hopeless in comparison, in my eyes at least. - apart from the cutie working in coffeebar Escobar, who was charming enough for surely anyone of either sex to want to go home with... well, almost.
Sent an outrageous e-mail to a good friend...very tongue-in-cheek, a personal joke. Without telling me, he forwarded it (ARRRGH!) to the head of a company he's doing consulting for, with a recommendation they contact me about doing some work for them. I could have killed him!
Believe it or not, they actually got a huge laugh out of it and called me up. We're e-mailing back and forth now to determine if working together will be a good fit.
Got to be the weirdest way I ever got a referral!
Went for a long relaxed lunch with a couple of colleagues ... and we talked politics in the most wonderful congenial, just slightly intense, way. There's a federal election campaign here, and it's just so much fun to talk politics with people who don't necessarily agree politically but are able to debate with panache and courtesy.
My my, this made me smile: Edit: Moderator: Website deleted in a laughing-at-how-seriously-advertisers-take-the-whole-"sex sells"-idiom. My guess is that it'll never make in on tv in the states (it's a campaign from the UK)
Now that does make one curious ... with the moderators deleting the website that made you smile I guess we'll never know ...
I was a bit angst-y because the kid's at a birthday party until 4 and we have a party we're all going to that starts at 4 and I didn't want to take her out of the birthday party too early and I didn't want to arrive at the next party too late. Had the addresses, one was 1XXX, one was 3XXX, in different cities, figured 20 minutes minimum.
Went to Yahoo maps to see how and how long it would take to get from one to the other:
Quote:Distance: 0.5 miles Approximate Travel Time: 1 min
It's literally, like, right around the corner.
Now that was a very pleasant surprise, huh?
This morning my colleague in Chicago okay'd all 3 layouts for Mondays' presentation (I'm flying in that morning and out that afternoon) with no major arguments or changes. I'm free for the rest of the weekend. On the other hand...(see grit & grimace thread.)
Here's to pleasant surprises, eoe! <clink>
(That's before I've seen GYT&G...)