Wow, Beth... New York City right now!!!! Cool.
Good luck, Anastasia.
I was walking the dogs at the Tacoma Narrows beach early this morning. It was gorgeous out -- the tide was a few minutes from being at its highest flood, 11.6 feet. The water was like glass which is very unusual -- these waters can be extremely rough with strong currents, tidal flows and white-caps. It was so still that I could hear the murmuring voices of the workers high on the new bridge and the snorting of a seal when he rose to take a breath.
Only two other people were on the beach, both fishermen. One remembered that I had given him a fishing fly a month earlier and was very pleased to see me again, which made the morning brighter for both of us. The other, one I hadn't met before, chatted with me a minute and then as I stood there, got a strike and quickly landed a beautiful silver salmon. He said that I must have been a lucky charm.

He had his camera so I took a photo of the proud fisherman and his beautiful fish.
This photo may or may not be working... last time I looked, it seemed a little under-exposed.