I'm listening to reggae lately.
someone once told me it makes you feel good. I'm starting to see why now. has to do with ... heheh ... the message. for me. the music, I still can't get fully into.
but they very often make me smile, going, ÿou know - that's right.
for the record, I've got these smartquotes on my computer. ok? <g>
ok, and realizing that I've just REALLY got to get used to those hyperlinks, and then they won't annoy me, makes me smile. (I'm NOT being crappy. <g>)
can someone explain them? I have a theory that they're a way of getting shponshorship? (this is not a derogatory statement. I think support is fine. <shrugs> and once I get used to them, I won't notice them.)
I'm chatting with my sister! I'm chatting with my sister!
Yes, the links are a form of advertising, brings advertising revenue.
And smartquotes suck, definitely.
pssst ... that ad for romania wasn't even in romania! or was it the hotel macedonia?
anyway, it was in america.
I felt cheated. <s>
keep telling myself ...
the problem with smartquotes is ya gotta have space.
I forget sometimes.
<s> thanks for the answer!
homeboy sandwich's are yummy.
make me smile.
having one at the moment - special homegrown recipe.
like a Hero, only more what *I* like on it. <nods>
Freshly, crisply prepared bread and lots of good stuff inside.
god, I'll be smiling all day.
the doctor commenting on how quickly i heal
the result however can be found in the grimmace and grit thread
djjd - good healer - good thing.
just don't go getting reckless with that knowledge.
well i'm not about to start thinking i'm the bruce willis character in unbreakable
Today, my nephew put himself down for a nap. He was playing in the sun room with his sister, then he laid down and watched her play, then he fell asleep for 2.5 hours. And his sister and I made cookies.
I taught a great class today--the kids were rapt! We read a chapter from Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation. Everyone was raising their hand, had something to say.
One kid I've had trouble getting to talk all semester stopped to chat after class. He said, "I think I'm going to start a farm after reading this essay."
A good day teaching is a really good day.
You said it! How satisfying it must have been.
knowing that I'll be in New York City within 24 hours is making me
<our system here at work today is

No one is bugging me at work.
I'm getting tons done.
Hey, that's great, Gargamel!