And not to hijack the thread, but what else made me smile yesterday and tonight: niceness, just sheer niceness.
My German friend sending me an SMS to thank me for calling her earlier that evening, saying its comforting to know she can rely on someone ... aww.
Saying goodbye to the Russian girl down the hall, she's leaving for Strassbourg. Very sweet, petite girl who smiles a lot. Insisted on getting my email, not leaving like this, saying she'd look me up when she'd come back here in December, all kind of to my surprise: didnt talk so much with her. Just always went to say good night when leaving the office, as they would be sure to be there all hours.
Going to a Dutch puppet theatre performance tonight with Cs, who likes puppet theatre but wasnt disappointed when there turned out to not be any puppets, but instead sheer, cute weirdness. Having dinner outside on Andrassy boulevard, listening to her excited stories, joking, walking up to Heroes Square. Deciding to go to Holland together when the new herring is there in the spring, LOL, we could stay at my friend's Y - I can just imagine her face (she a big, proud black woman) if Id tell her we were coming over for the season's first herring

Nice, all. Funny how life comes in waves, kinda - quiet cycle, kind & friendly cycle, quiet cycle, kind & friendly cycle. Dinner someplace tomorrow evening with Cs and one or two of her friends, Sunday evening an Argentinian magical-realist film with Esther. But I got to get some work and cleaning done in between - and get that package from the post office Y and friend send me.
(Oh and but, for the smartasses among you - no, still never got any action since my trip to Holland, and no prospect of any in the short-term either. 'K?)