ehBeth wrote:what made me smile?
staying in bed til 8 a.m. and knowing I can do the same on Sunday and Monday <stretch>

, a little tact please, some of us have to work all weekend

, every weekend
I'm sorry.
I'm off to buy more recycling bags for the weeds that jumped up after the recent rains. Hope that makes you feel a bit better.
Morning, ehBeth! Garden frenzy in Canada, too, I see! And 3 whole days to indulge yourself! Enjoy!
<achooo> Yeah, me, too!
I held 'salon' in Sark, cafe across the road, this afternoon/evening for my birthday ... just a modest, cute cozy get-together. Had first met downtown with Cs, new girl at work, to have a coffee, look at some photos where there was a small exhibition. Then walked back up to Sark together at 5. Nother girl from work came with her husband, a friend of mine was there already, she's nice, a guy who works at Tilos came over who's a big, friendly guy, and "Susannah" worked, so she was there too. Didnt join us cause she wasnt in too good a mood, but had bought me an elaborate present, which was sweet too. We chatted and drank, had a bottle of champagne, stayed till a bit after 11. For a birthday in a new home country after having emigrated just four months ago, not too bad - was kinda nice, homy, exactly what Id wanted. <nods, smiles>
ehBeth wrote:what made me smile?
staying in bed til 8 a.m. and knowing I can do the same on Sunday and Monday <stretch>
Eight AM?! And thats a good thing?
I hope it was a glorious birthday, nimh!
nimh wrote:(nimhisnotamorningperson)
that made me smile
but it does mean you have officially been taken off my "someone I'd like to vacation with list"
Anything AM with an 8 or less in it is a violation of human rights to me ... unless I'm still awake. <grins>
you'd like my northside neighbours
I came home from the fair with friends, went to bed around 2 a.m.
the party next door was goin' on
Got up at 5:45 a.m. to let the dogs out
the party next door was goin' on
Got up Got up at 7:15 a.m. to get ready to go to The Beach with my friends
the party next door was goin' on
Next door cleared out just before 8:00 a.m.
Hm, I'm more likely to still be up reading than partying nowadays, but either way, Im not getting up at 8! Hell no, we wont go!
johnboy invokes the A2K 48 hour rule. Any thread left untended for that period of time allows johnboy to tell a story, at great length. Probably Nimh and Sozobe or others should realize that and take defensive action.
Is There A Place In Heaven Or Hell For Dreamers?
I got a call today from "Hart." He calls perhaps once a year or two, and has done so since we were in Vietnam, back in 1970-1972. I don't quite recall why we became friends, perhaps it was because we were the only Southern (white) boys in the unit.
I managed to put the Vietnam experience into a box, seal it up tightly and put it into the back of a closet. It is there, but it is behind all of the stuff that came afterwards since I was 21.
I got a call today from "Hart." He was coming through town. Could we get together for some drinks and dinner? We do.
I don't know what he was like before I met him, but I know where he has been for as long as I have known him: a dreamer. He is always one step, just one step, behind latching onto a rainbow. Some scheme that will make him rich.
He is a pretty smart person, and honest I think. Personable. But never able to hold onto a job or a wife for very long.
So I guess that isn't a story to smile about but I kind of did as I picked up the bar and dinner tab, and he headed down the highway from wherever he had been to wherever he is going next, chasing something; chasing some dream. Some elusive dream. -rjb-
hmmmm.... definitely a melancholy feeling.
butbutbut we like these stories... well I do anyway, don't want to presume to speak for nimh.
You're a lovely storyteller.
yep - I always like your yarns - even if I don't comment!
my baby and my snake together
You have a snake!
(Hi there!!)
Wow. What kind?
Ball python? Burmese? Looks familiar. Good to see you Onyx (et al)!
Ball Python
her names "The Spotessa"
hey soz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I invited a friend over, so he came, and that made me smile too. you might notice him around (Rambrat)