She's pretty...just like her mom...
rambrat wrote:She's pretty...just like her mom... do you take checks or just cash?
Welcome, rambrat! Adorable indeed, the both of 'em. OK, the snake too.
ewww you just got here and already you're double posting? tsk tsk tsk *shaking my head vigoursly*
Hi onyx! Good to see you. Your baby and your snake are gorgeous, but the two together make for quite an unusual picture.
Welcome rambrat - watch out for using the Back button right after you post. That usually creates those double entries.
*shudder* snakes...are you allowed to own pet snakes over there?
Kiwi - of course! Though, legally, there are some restrictions on certain 'exotics' which can wreak havoc on wild life if set free.
What made me smile?
<dreamy look appearing on my face...>
Finding that a particular special someone I have had my eye on for a long time now is actually a brainy genius - there is more than meets the eye about this particular guy. Now I want to get to know him more and more...
We had an inch of rain in one hour in Albuquerque yesterday. Ah, Monsoon weather is such a welcome with 84 degree days.
pragmatic wrote:What made me smile?
<dreamy look appearing on my face...>
Finding that a particular special someone I have had my eye on for a long time now is actually a brainy genius - there is more than meets the eye about this particular guy. Now I want to get to know him more and more...
Well don't hang about...get in there and ask him for his phone number!
P.S. I've heard that he even owns his own private swamp!
Lord Ellpus wrote:Well don't hang about...get in there and ask him for his phone number!
I can't bring myself to to do - I'm too shy! Also, he's a bit of a player as well (always boasting about chatting up girls) so he's a very interesting person, but not someone I would probably want to use my time and energy on.
Lord Ellpus wrote:P.S. I've heard that he even owns his own private swamp!
He is a keen diver (as well as martial arts student...) so I'm not surprised...
If only he wasn't a player - I really would consider talking to him! Grrr!
Until the day before yesterday, I thought I had already cast my absentee vote in the upcoming German elections. But at the laundromat that evening, as I took my dirty laundry out of my suitcase and put it into the washing machine, I suddenly held in my hand the letter I thought I had sent a week ago. I have no idea how it got there, and I'm not sure I want to know. So yesterday I decided to avoid any further delays and brought the letter directly to the election office. In charge there were two young women, perhaps students who helped out there as part of their holiday jobs. One of them looked at my letter, noted it was all crumpled and stuff, and gave me a look. "Well", I apologized, "it was in a, um, suitcase."
Her look got even sterner. "More precisely", she said, "in a man's suitcase."
(PS: what a sexist! I think I'm going to sue for gender discrimination.)
My good friend's at A2k made me smile today.
Hey Eva I did some giggling too but not about <>.
We were having lunch today at an Indian restaurant in a shopping center. I like the food at the buffet. The family that owns it is very nice and there is an outside dining area that is quiet and nicely landscaped, even though it is close to a major highway and a parking lot. A lovely late summer day.
A ten-passenger van pulls up and five young men get out. All of them reach for their cell phones. A couple reach for their packs of cigarettes. A few minutes pass and then the driver, a grandfatherly looking guy gets out and announces, "This is a 30-minute rest stop, gentlemen."
Four of the young men head for the Burger King across the parking lot. The fifth, perhaps slightly older, comes into the Indian place. He loads up a plate and begins eating at a rather furious pace, alone at a table.
Johnboy watches this, trying to figure out what is going on.
It becomes clear when two more young guys come up to the van, each with a backpack of some kind, accompanied by two men in US Army uniforms. Paperwork changes hands. This is the van that is taking these new enlistees to North Carolina for Basic Training.
The guy at the table by himself has gone back for a second helping and, at the rate he is going, may have time for a third.
The others wander back from the place they are more comfortable with, the burger and fries place. They are back on their cell phones, or perhaps still on their cell phones. We walk through them on our way out and get a closer look at them. They all look so damn young.
Again, sort of melancholy.....