Check this out:
It's worth a smile or two.
I'll kick your butt a few times at scrabble(before you get better than me).
dagmaraka wrote:you can do it. we can help. Nike!
Adidas, babe. Like Run DMC...Unless you refer to the Goddess of victory 'cause those narrow Nike joints hurt my wide flat fet.
I have to post the cat in question. The one that startles my mother each time she walks by...
littlek wrote:I'll kick your butt a few times at scrabble(before you get better than me).
Alright, little K. I'll let you know my handle so you can call me out.
Dasha, that cat is FREAKY!
BB - let me know.
i know, lk. and i'm proud of it. i picked it. ha!
eesh, it looks so real. Did you get it in NYC?
Little K, is this the website you suggest:
Obviously, you are a person of erudition and high literacy. It is funny as hell.
Funny, that links to a contest that was featured on "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" which I was just now listening to.
It may seem mean spirited; but my biggest smile today came from reading that Frank Thomas of the Chicago White Sox is expected to be out for the remainder of the season. This will add another nail into the coffin of the Sox's chance at getting to the World Series this year.
bbaptiste wrote:
Cubs fan?
Oddly I'm a New York Yankees Fan. I was born down in New York City and raised in good old pinstripe territory. Hate the Red Sox (although they are the local favorite) and enjoy seeing the White Sox (and Cleveland Indians) lose. No real feelings about the Cubs but then again they have special talents like getting Steve Bartman to come to a game just when it seems a ring may be in their future.
Come to think of it except for The Bears I don't like anything about Chicago. (no offense meant to any Chicagoans)
Well, if I can grab that thread for a moment. I read an interesting article about certain interesting psychological quirks in hard-core sports fan. The study found (part of the methodology involved testing cortisol levels and brainwave measurement) that real hardcore fans actually got a bigger thrill rooting against their teams' nemesis rather than from supporting their team's actual success.
I'll give you an example. A friend of mine in NYC, a rabid Liverpool FC fan, gave me this answer, when I asked him what was his ultimate sports fantasy. He said, every night he prayed to lived to see Everton (Liverpool's traditional rival) relegated to the lowest division possible in the English soccer leagues, and be on hand as their home stadium was razed to the ground.
How that relates to anything, I dunno.
littlek wrote:Dasha, that cat is FREAKY!
BB - let me know.
little k,
my scrabble handle is mrmoogie.
I don't doubt for a second that people get a bigger rush from booing rivals than from rooting for their fav team - though, seeing the red sox win the series was unbelievable, even for this luke warm fan. I had great fun booing the Yankees when they played off against the Indians (sometime in the late 90s when I was a bartender in GA).
Tell me when you're likely to be on scrabble, BB.
But I think I need to install a newer version of Java on my machine for it to work.