I believe you are correct osso. I don't think we have the equal in english.
I like it how in my neighbourhood you can regularly see Jewish men walking around, in full traditional look: black hat, long beard, long black coat ...
Interestingly enough tho, the women look just the same like other women.
My cousin won four tickets to a Red Sox Game and invited me and my boyfriend!!!!!
Nimh tells wonderful stories about the incredible diversity of characters in Amsterdam, and now his new city of Budapest. Johnboy lives in a bit of a sleepy town in rural Virginia, 100 miles souith of Washington, DC. Hardly as colorful. But the other afternoon, as I was driving home, there were two women standing in the median strip of the six lane highway, They had made it half way across and were waiting for the traffic lights to work in their favor so they could cross the rest of the way. Beautifully colored cloth wrapped around them and each with a bag of groceries resting, carried on, their heads. Johnboy lived in Africa for a number of years, so he is familiar with that custom. But he thinks that many folks driving on Route 29 were startled to see these two women.
I played with my nephew all afternoon and it was great!
Helped old people and their grandkids meet a fistualated cow.
(It's got a whole in its side so that you can get food out, full of healthy microbes, to give to another cow who's been on antibiotics and doesn't have any healthy microbes. There's a guy who did it voluntarily in the 19th century who did this voluntarily after a bullet opened up his stomach in exchange for free room and board for life.)
They had to stick their arms in. Not a big fan of kids (and old folks only when they've got a sense of humor -- same treatment everybody gets), but it was good times. Boys like to pretend they're not grossed out, and little girls like to pretend they do. Old folks of either (by-that-time-largely-irrelevant)gender are either genuinely interested in every new experience or completely dead to it.
I'm thinking the only way not to get old is to stay like that obnoxious kid who like to climb trees.
The older generation in the midwest is pretty hearty: they were mostly into it, because -- well, what the hell else are you gonna do?
Old folks of either (by-that-time-largely-irrelevant) gender
Nah. Nevermind hormone levels.
And old folks are not so much past where you (hey! you! are
Indeed, we encompass all of our histories.
Or, some of us do.
All I mean is that they tend to have dropped their vain gender-specific displays (to a certain limited extent, in certain circumstances). 'Tis all. Was not meant to be a slight to the older and wiser than I, eye can tell ya.
My parents' house abuts a cape cod marsh which has been home to nesting Osprey for a few years. Last year we were saddened to see that there were no hatchlings, but this year there are 3! They fledged this weekend. I missed their morning flight because I slept late. After breakie, I went out side to sit in the sun and looked up frommy reading just in time to see one young osprey buzz the deck, laughing as he went.
Got a termite inspection today, and got a clean bill of heath for our home. That was worth a five star smile.
I smiled and thought of cicerone today. Dr B came into my shop. He is, if I heard him correctly several years ago, now about 78 years old. He is taking off tomorrow for a two-three week cruise through tbe Baltic Sea area, again. He, like ci, has been just about everywhere, at least once.
He is a widower and he used to have a buddy who would go along with him on these trips, but that guy can't do it anymore. I admire Dr B very much for his stamina and for the amount of research he puts in before any trip. He studies the history, geography, politics, & whatever of every place before he goes there. An amaziing person.
I had to smile today when I read about the termite inspectors in California who are giving people clean bills of healths for their homes, even though the homes are teeming with the pesky insects.
My mother called me today to ask my advice about something for a change!
I had to smile today when I intentionally discarded a bra with wide straps that didn't look like it was designed for nuns by an orthopaedic surgeon.
I chuckled as I walked away from that discarded bra, figuring some crazy person was going to find it and smile.
Is the bra lined with capybara fur ?
Pictures, please ...